Mar 11, 2005 18:37
Hehehehee OMG! lol ok well yesterday i had chaboir choir practice and i had went home with angie and krissy and we stopped at taco bell first lol and we got some food!!! =) lol and soo then we went back to angies house lmfao!! omg great times you guys were MCC hahaah MENTALLY CHALLENGED CHICKS!! hahahah me krissy and angie!! lmfao omg we were dancing in the kitchen for liek fucking hours to our rap music hahaha we were such wiggers it was soooooo much fun lmfao i love you guys! hahah so then we found cookie dough and we made cookies lmfao but i made them SOOOOOOOOOOOOO big lmfao they ended up being liek fucking pies!! hahahaha i started laughing my ass off...hahah so then like we called ethan and we left liek this hot ass message on his cell phone hahahahha it was like we need you dick and shit hahahahahh jusdt kidding around though lmfao it was soo much fun cause we were listein to thats ong pop my pussy just liek thathahaha it was soo great lmfao and soo then yeah i was in deep shit at the time cause i wasnt sapposed to be there but ya know what fuck poarents i dont care what they say there all gay and can burn in hell i dont care i was having a fucking blast....soo then we decided to watch euro trip hahahahah OMG JEN THERES OL D MAN PENISES on the tv hahahahahahahha lmfao and then SCOTTTTY DOESNT KNOW SCOTTTTY DOESNT KNOW!! omg i want his body lmfao hahahah good times hahahahahha soo then we were just laughing liek crazy i love my girlies!! <33333 soo then yeah so her dad got home and we went to the mall lol hahah we were going osoooo fast and we were blasting like 50 cent haha it was soo awsome mfao we wer ehacing soo much fun it was the best time ever..soo then like we were at the mall haah we went into forever 21 lmfao me and krissy were trying on all these clothes hahaah SLUT CLOTHES MY CLOTHES!!! lmfao hahah my boobs were liek soo sticking out of them haha krissy like was like omg!! hahahahahahhah good times heeh we looked liek bugs with the glasses on hahah soo then yeah then we got picked upi and i got home and i was in a lot of shit but fuck it lol =) hhahah it was soo worth it
MCC baby!!! lol i love my gurls!!! <333333
BUT I LOVE MY BABY!!! <333333