heheheh =P

Jan 08, 2005 00:05

Today was really awsome!! lol ok well first off school was boring as hell as usuall but then like righ tbefore the end of the day liek right after 1st lunch me and Jamie skipped to Burger king and Dave H went with us and then when we went to burger king we saw brandon and this kid jimmy..and it was cool and then like so at burger king we then had met up with angie and brandon and brittany soo it was funny as hell there was this lady there that was liek reallllly realllllllllly fat and she had liek all this shit on her asss lol it was the greatest me and jamie could not stop laughing so hard...lol so yeah and then like Dave started freken pouring salt all in my shoe!! lol it was great but it sucked after a while then after burger king we all went back to the school and we got on the bus and what not...lol and everyone was making fun of my life cause i weeeez lol.....so then right aftert the bus stop i got picked up and went str8 to james house =) lol and i went with him to his drum lesson and shit it was pretty cool and then we came home and jolene came over!!! my baby!! lol and then steve came over and stuff it was awsome tehy were all fuckin around with the musicall istruments lol! soo then. steve left and it was jsut us three and jolen ended up having some jessica simpson lickable perfume lol soo we had to use that!!! lol soo we have a very great time! ;) lol soo yea...and then we were just hanign out and stuff then after james house my moms came and picked me up and it was about 8 or so and then she picked up jamie and we went to the movies to meet Dan! lol and then i told my mom we were seeing a moive but of core we wernt soo we just ended up driving around town with dan! lol his car is the freken best car anyone could ever have lol i have never had so much fun in a car before! lol....so then we were doing like 360's lol and shit it was coooll......dan is an awsome driver! lol ...so then we went to shop right and liek we got some gushers and some gum and i got some dr pepper lol and this kid tried ducktaping his door handle so he couldnt get in lol but his car was already unlocked lol! he was polish wat do you excpect!! lol good times...soo then..after that we went back to dands house and we watched napolian dynomite for like my 3rd time! lol bu t it was awsome....so yeah then after that we went back to the movies and dan knew this kid and his car jst got stolen so we were liek aww man that has to suck and then dan let me drive!!!!! around in the parking lot!! lol it was sooo awosme im an awsome driver! lol soo yeah we had a lot of fun and then oo yeah srry angie but um,.....i lied to my mom i was liek mom angie's mom is bringing us hom soo we could stay out till liek 12 or whatever lol and dan brought us home lol angie has nothign to do with this and has no idea what im even talkin about lol...but if she ever reads this i think she will know that its me jen and im crazy liek that....soo yeah it was a really great time...lol and then me and dan are planning for Jamies birthday dinner tomaorw nite!!! ;)

THE BIG 18!!!! MY BABY IS GROWING UP!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU JAMIE WIHT ALL MY <3! MWWWWWWWWHAW and Dan is the cooolest kid that im friends with lol!!! good times dan good times! =)

oo and i cant forget that I LOVE JAMES AND JOLENE!!!!!!!!!!;) awosme nite to you guys i lov eyou so mcuh!!!

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