That nail is secure. It's not coming up out of the floor anytime soon:
"...I'm skeptical of being told that my equality within the system isn't worth fighting for because the system sucks by people who don't have to live in the sucky system with the added burden of inequality. And I don't think it has to be an either/or fight. As I've said, I think simply ending patriarchy changes the system in fundamental ways. But even if it doesn't, there's nothing that prevents a fight for equality within the system and a fight against the system at the same time, especially since both fights go to the underlying power structure.
The main issue with feminism right now, IMO, is the corruption of its leadership by its association with corporations and partisan politics, primarily the Democratic Party. This undermines its efforts to change the power structure in this country in fundamental ways. But that goes to the human failings of its leaders, not to the ideas that underlie it, IMO..."
-- BDB Blue, posting in the comments
here Harvested for posterity.
It really gets on my nerves some days what a pain in the ass Lefty malcontents are about feminism and what a pain in the ass feminists are about issues dear to Lefty malcontents. Have I mentioned that lately? Because really, it never ends. The dudes run around saying shit like, Yeah, some men are total shitheads to some women but that couldn't possibly have anything to do with sexism! If a woman says it does she's stupid because if I don't see sexism it's just not there! [foot stomp]
Meanwhile, the main reason so many of the feminists are mad at Obama is because they wanted their heroine (who incidentally, is no friend to most women around the world --much less their male relatives and friends-- in her current line of work) to get the brass ring. As if there's really a discernible difference in the policies of Obama and Clinton II. Please.
I fucking hate being whipsawed. Hell with it. I'm going outside to admire the lilies and drink a beer. Flowers and beer are fleeting, but this kind of shit is always available no matter what the season. Later.