One Berated Sick Person Is An Outrage, One Million Of Them Are "Progressive Reform"

Mar 20, 2010 14:46

Honestly, don't you hate falling into one of those curious internet loops where it seems like everyone links back to the same dozen contacts over and over? Yeah, me, too. It can make the world seem scarily smaller than it is. When you're already in a very small subculture of a subculture, it can feel sort of weirdly inbred as well.

Too bad, though. Because this is just wonderful and I'm not missing the chance to make myself a glorified bookmark for it. I found it via The Distant Ocean. Which several other Obama-hating basement dwellers have linked to this past week, and good for them/us.

"...Just today I was reading about Kucinich’s sellout on the so-called health care legislation being cooked up to provide socialism for the insurance industry. Kucinich went on about how this was important for Obama’s presidency and I say to hell with that. Leaders aren’t important, they’re a dime a dozen, what is important are the issues goddammit. What was important was making sure everyone has access to health care and no I don’t mean via the emergency ward. But the very idea that Obama is more important than poor people receiving the medical care they deserve if for no other reason than they are fellow human beings is so repugnant to me that I have no words to really express it..."

-- rob payne at Dead Horse, 3/18/10

Also, Progs, just get over this obsession with every damn temper tantrum thrown by a handful of loudmouthed, bigoted flag-waving human cockroaches. You already have FOX taking care of that, don't you? I mean, talk about "inbred." One of you starts in about it so all of you have to, just to make sure that nobody gets the idea that one can hate Obama's plan for perfectly legitimate reasons.

You also assist Big Media in their attempt to sell a barnacle to us as a ship. The majority of people who are leery of this plan are not out protesting it. Just as they're not writing cloying letters of support to Dear Leader. They're sitting at home waiting for the backhanding that they are quite correct to see on the near horizon.

Meanwhile, Red Hat/Blue Hat is what you've been sold and by God, you'll keep selling it, too. Even on your own time, at your own expense because nothing else is "realistic," apparently. Praise the Lord and empty your pockets for Aetna, Kids. This is for our own good. If unruly mean people don't like the plan than the plan is obviously a good plan. Humiliating a chronically ill person to their face is bad, but it's okay if a suit does it by proxy and picks the sick person's bones clean in the bargain. Yes, of course it is. How could I have ever believed otherwise?

"Respectable" news outlets feed us this dualistic crap and all you can do is chew it up and feed it to each other over and over again. They set a narrow agenda and in repeating it ad nauseum, you duplicate the narrow agenda they've arranged for us. There is no good reason for obsessing to this degree over Right-wing protesters. Their meanness is small potatoes compared to that of the people pulling Our Leader's strings. Or maybe it's simply the true face of Big Pharma and Big Insurance suits with the advertising niceties skinned off. In any case, it's tiresome and so is your constant fixation on it.*

If you aren't marching against this shitty plan yourselves, you could at least acknowledge once in a while that there are actually legitimate reasons to loathe it.

And don't give me this bullshit about bawwwwww if we don't pass something now we won't get another chance for like a hundred years! bawwwwww!!!! Nothing would stop you from starting over again from scratch if Obama's shitty "reform" got deservedly scuttled tomorrow. You'd be better off starting again from scratch than accepting this repulsive, barbaric, and extremely costly step backwards. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

*The only thing more annoying than this is when you get all dewy-eyed about the still-effective cancellation of Firefly. (Which is still, at the end of the day, just another fucking TV show. No, really. It is.)

eat the duopoly, obamapologists, oh go 'credential' yourself jerkface, bring back the damn guillotine already, healthcare for nobody

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