Thoughts on finale-dom

May 17, 2009 20:37

The sun shone today. My skin a nice golden brown. Yes, Mum, I was wearing sunscreen. I'm now sitting, okay laying, here thinking not of anything particularly substantial but of the television finales I have had the enjoyment of watching. Consensus?

The cliffhanger has returned - brought back in full force by The Powers That Be. I both loved and hated, laughed and cried, anticipated and watched out of a sense of obligation.


Lost - AMAZING! Island goes boom or does it? How can Darlton make us wait 8 months to find out. Will Kate and Sawyer connect again? They damn well better. Kudos to Josh Holloway for making me feel his agony.

Prison Break - In two minds. Series not season finale and the tragedy theme was pulled and thrown down our unwilling throats. How cruel can execs be to not even let the one shining moment of happiness written into the script be without fear? Then again, I felt nothing but love coming through my LCD screen into my heart. If that was the intent, achieved. If not, I still went through half a box of kleenex. Sarah Wayne Callies and Wentworth Miller: I salute you, I bow and scrape at your feet. I felt it all.

Grey's Anatomy - AGH! Once again a feeling of not knowing. Have I mentioned how much I hate feeling this way? Considering I don't normally place Ellen Pompeo in the "decent actor" category, I believed her surprise and horror at the identity of her patient. Wonderful work. I'm impressed.

Now that I've been drawn out of lurkerdom we'll see how I commit to the land of LJ where I faithfully sit on the Special Bus to Hell and am constantly reading the brilliance coming from the imaginations of my fellow bus riders.

