Written in response to
omnioculars Not Totally Badfic November Challenge.
"Below are over 130 prompts for clichéd, over-used, cracked-out, and ordinarily very bad scenarios, including a whole collection of entertaining crossovers. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to claim one of these prompts as your own and turn a potential disaster into an honest-to-goodness quality story or piece of art. Note that we're not saying it has to be a serious story, not at all, just that it has to be a good story. That means no deliberate badfic, otherwise we'll mock you mercilessly for missing the point."
Apart from one failed attempt on CBB, this is my first go at fanfic. It's a Harry Potter/Peter Pan crossover and is only 300 words. So take a look if you want.....
Lucius Malfoy sighed, closed the safe again, re-installed the usual charms and curses, and walked across the library. Outside all was noise and chaos but here he had the luxury of privacy, silence and a chance to think. Why he felt compelled to revisit these objects, or even to keep them, he wasn’t sure but he did get something from each viewing, even if it was only a sense of anxiety and a feeling of disappointment in himself. In these days, especially, he found he needed to snatch some respite from the activities in his house. To take the opportunity to get away from the terrified whimperings of Narcissa, the pale, scared looks of Draco and the obsessive, manic laughter of Bellatrix.
The stresses and trials he was going through.....well, no-one could understand or know the pressures he was under. Such expectations from his peers and his Lord, such a responsibility to provide the right heritage and upbringing for his son. It was almost beyond any wizard to maintain such standards. And always, lurking in the back of his mind, was this ancestor who inspired such respect and also provoked such feelings of embarrassment.
When he donned his black cloak and brushed through his thin, straight white hair, visions of a blood-red coat and a luscious, thick, curly and black hirsute look came unbidden into his mind.
When he held his wand in his thin, vulnerable hand, he wished for the strength and power of a shining gold hook.
When he considered the agony of being pitched against an opponent of such youth, such arrogance and such ill-deserved ability, he considered Pan.
And when he tuned himself out of the past, and heard the clock ticking quietly on the mantelpiece, he shuddered involuntarily as he stepped back into the fray.