Controlling the image- but not like you think.

Mar 21, 2008 08:57

Well my friends (and lurkers), the day has really come.

All posts after this one will become friends only. I have been threatening this for years but the time is now at hand. There is really good reasoning for this but it's not what you think.

I have finally migrated THAT is my home. LJ is just an extension of that. I like having total control and I just don't have total control over LJ. I own my domain and my I control my webhost. I do not control LJ. LJ is fine and great but this is an extension of the main, not the main.

A lot of people have been talking about controlling their online image now because of the ways the world works now. I can understand that. I've had it happen to me where I was researched online and my blog brought into work (not me doing vice versa). I weathered it well but I did learn a key lesson- that people suck. Not that I shouldn't say what I think or be who I am but that people will go out of their way to attempt to destroy you. Lucky for me, I was never so stupid as to mention client's names or what company I work for so I survived it. And to this day, if you were to but two and two together and ask me "hey, is Tekwh0re your site", I would never deny it. I will not hide what I said or who I am, but I am also not going to roll out the red carpet for you attempt to wreck my house. This is the house that Tek built. This is a house that will stand.

With the current migration, it makes it harder to link the moniker I go by online with the moniker that adorns my social security card. Because I don't post photos of myself anymore, it becomes increasingly harder to put that 2 and 2 together. I miss taking pictures but even I know that with the stupidity of this American country that I live in, anything related to a cadid, be is saucy or sanguine has the potential to have the wolves believe they can take advantage. Goddess knows that I fight enough as it is- I need that energy for fighting focused on other wars- not if the fact I am in a bra makes me morally objectionable or intellectually vapid. This isn't to say that the odd photo of me will never pop up again- it may. But perhaps not where everyone can see it.

I'm still posting. I'm still taking. I think only death will ever really get me to shut up. Still, I am re-making the Tekwh0re "brand" so to speak and the first stop is by making sure that the masses go to a one stop shop if I don't know them. That would be and not LJ.


All posts after this one are FRIENDS ONLY. I do believe there is an RRS feed for running around on LJ somewhere. I think the RSS feed broke when I migrated but I am working on fixing that Also, for the first time since I have ever been on LJ, I will be making a friend's list cut.

If you'd like to stay, sure, speak up. If you've been wanting to bail out, this is probably the best time to do so.

It's been grand these past years... however it's time to bring the house back. That would be the house of
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