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Ralf Nader to join race.
Hi, Ralf?
See, this is the United States of America. That means you can only win the presidency if you are a REPUBLICAN or if you are a DEMOCRAT. Anything else does not exist except in those wild states that occasionally will let an Independent go to congress or become governor.
I mean, you act as if this is a real democracy or something. I mean, people tried to block you from putting your name on a ballot last time around. Seems to me in a true democracy, anyone should be able to run who feels like it, regardless of money, status, or creed. But that isn’t the case in the US of A.
I need to get my thoughts together and some time. I need to post what is in my head about all this elections and governments and dumb, dumb, dumb. Maybe I’ll just try to sum it up here:
I really wish I could raise an army and just take over a country and subvert the Dominant Paradigm to put me in place as Monarch. The truth is that even when people say they don’t want royalty or a God-figure, unless they are totally for Anarchy they really are idiots. It is people’s nature to have a pack mentality and social status even if they say they don’t believe it. If it weren’t the case, governments would be run by pluralities, people like Paris Hilton and Britney wouldn’t dominate the news, and no one would give a fuck who Oprah endorses. So fuck who you want to make head of your world, I say! I want it to be me because I’m the dog that will bite the hardest!
And I’ll fight you too! GRR!
Democracy my ass. People just vote for their king now so they feel like they actually have a say in their life when in reality they aren’t even trying to be masters of it. If people really wanted a change, they would have been in the street throwing rocks ages ago. Fuck, the majority of congress would have been out on their ass already. Stupid ass lifers.
Change was never made by being passive. And sometimes change is made from the inside.
It’s like the whole lobbyist thing. I don’t get it. There is nothing wrong with having a lobbyist. Everyone want to take advantage where they can. Taking money from lobbyists… oooh… bad.
Let’ me tell you something.
If some Fundamentalist Christian organization were to say “Look Tek, you nasty whore… We want you to stop posting on your blog. We want you to start saying how great Jesus is and how women who have abortions are baby killers who are going to hell. In return, we’ll give you $100k.”
You know what I would do?
I’d take the motherfucking money. So long as I don’t sign a contract, I’m taking the cash…
Then I am using that cash against them.
Maybe I would stop posting on the blog but I wouldn’t say what they wanted me to say. Then I’d pass laws that would block their goals. They would be hard pressed to bitch about me in public because who wants to admit they gave me money to do their bidding? There might be a record of it but they can’t say jack shit.
People have got to learn that sometimes you just smile in the face of your adversary then use what they want to give you against them.
Sorry, that’s life. That is animal nature. Hate to burst your bubble but humans are animals.
I have no problem admitting I am an animal. I want to be the alpha bitch wearing the crown. I won’t hurt people on purpose to on my way to the top but I sure as hell will take whatever advantage I can to get there.
Or if I think there should be change, I’m going to make that change, myself. Fuck the king makers.
Totally unrelated but t
his going cause me some problems. Yes. I am STILL trying to figure out Grad School. I have until this upcoming Friday to scrape at least the first month of next semester’s payment together and still pay rent, etc…. But I am happy to say that I am up to date on ALL my bills, and in default on nothing and knock on wood, I hope to stay that way.
Its just gonna get really tight and I need to get really creative!
But as I said,