Title: A Different Hunger
Author: Ms Smooth
Pairing: Radek/Rodney
Rating: Meh. Less than Teen. Allusions to sex. Some making out.
Warning: "Danger/Thin Ice." Sadly, it's not as thin as this plot.
Disclaimer: I neither own nor make profit from the characters, show premise, etc, or from the writing of fanfiction.
rosewildeirish gave me the prompt, the pairing, and a word limit. Apparently, this inspires me quite well, because this is the second snippet (only one for this fandom) that I've managed to write today.
Rodney liked MREs, so there was never really any doubt that he probably liked real food just as well. John had watched him eat a thousand times, but this was something different.
At the moment, John was getting all-too-clear a picture of what Rodney might look like during the throes of passion, what with the moans and groans, and the ecstatic expression and the guttural, "Jesus Christ, that's good." John was pretty sure he could realistically envision what Rodney would look like from foreplay to orgasm.
Five days as the unwilling guests of some unfriendly hostiles, and anything that wasn't gruel and dirt tea started to look really appetizing. John hadn't teased Rodney yet about the sex noises and he probably wouldn't for a couple of days, at least until he was sure Rodney had forgotten what it was like subsist on next to nothing.
Until then, it looked like he was stuck with McKay and his food porn.
Things would return to normal soon enough.
* * *
Except two days later, John was hunting Rodney down. The noises were getting worse, more consistent, and Rodney seemed to be permanently disheveled and distracted. He hadn't been to the lab since they'd returned. Beckett had been called on several different occasions, but Rodney was avoiding Carson as easily as John wished he could have avoided two days of sharing meals with Rodney.
"Where's Dr. Zelenka?" John asked the technicians in the lab. He was hoping Zelenka would know where Rodney was.
There wasn't an answer at first, but then, "I think he went to speak with Dr. McKay."
John turned on his heel and made his way back to Rodney's room, wondering how he'd managed to miss Zelenka in the halls. He didn't cross paths with the physicist on his return trip. The hallway was empty and McKay didn't answer his knock, so John opened the door himself and walked in. This was probably a mistake.
Radek Zelenka was lying on Rodney's back with Rodney over top him. John couldn't see Rodney's hands, but Radek's arms were spread wide and his hands were fisted in Rodney's blankets. John took a step back, intending to leave them in private, but Radek's eyes, flew open. "Colonel," Zelenka choked out. His lips moved as if to speak, but a moan escaped instead as Rodney presumably did something interesting with his hands or mouth.
"Dr. Zelenka?" John asked carefully. He wasn't sure if Radek had been asking for help, or notifying Rodney of his presence. Either way, he wouldn't leave, couldn't leave in good conscience, without knowing what was happening.
"Ah," Zelenka sighed. He closed his eyes and brought one hand to curl in the hair on the back of Rodney's head. It looked rather like participation to John, who turned again to leave, but then Zelenka pulled Rodney's head back, to the tune of a disgruntled muttering from Rodney. "Colonel, McKay is not acting himself," Zelenka said in a rush.
Those were all the words he managed to get out as Rodney, with his hands, drew a moan and all of the resistance out of Zelenka.
Loudly, John asked, "Dr. Zelenka, do you need help?"
The answer was a long time in coming. Just as John had decided that Radek couldn't answer, Radek managed to push Rodney away. "No. I am fine, Colonel. But maybe-" his breath caught. "Maybe you could have Carson come by for a visit in an hour."
"Right," John said, backing towards the door. He sped his departure when the clothes started flying. He'd get Carson, and then he'd come back to break up their party.
* * *
Alien drug, odd side effects, no known cure but it seemed to finally leave Rodney's blood stream by the end of the week. The short term effects included an allergy to caffeine, which Rodney complained about for weeks even after he could drink coffee again. The long term effect -- John only knew of the one -- appeared to be a sudden inclination to learn Czech.