Ho ho.
I'm here. I'm fine. Sort of. How is eveything with you guys?
Tonight I'll go to my friend's engagement ceremony but I STILL have no idea what to wear. o_O I must have been fully ready for tonight but NO.. She said it won't be a casual ceremony. Means I need to be wearing formal stuff but I don't have ANY DRESS for shiny big events like this. LOL I don't ever have any clothes that you could call "dress". I'm a jeans/sweats girl who wears Harley boots under skirts. o_O I just don't know how to be that "girly" for occasions like that.
What else?
I've made a small friends cut today. I had to. Because there were some friends on my list that I added way back but never got the chance to talk to them and lost touch eventually. And the ones who I comment on their journals but never returned to me, even just to say hi. SO. I have some common interests with most of them but like I said, when time gets in the way, you can't make things work on your own. Some things should be mutual. I'm not only here to comment and stay back, right?
Probably this entry will mean nothing to them (you guys, who never come here to say hi) but I wanna speak my mind about it. I'll include why I de-friended you under the cut. So here I go;
* I have many friends who have icon journals. For them there's no problem, I won't cut any of you guys. I have both your personal LJs and graphic LJs saved still. BUT there are a few icon journals that I constantly comment when I'm online. But in return I get no reply from them. About those, I'm considering still...
* For those I de-friended,
FIRST: The ones who never came here to say hi;
I know you won't even read this post but it is really ridiculous right now for me to keep you here. You added me and then asked me to add you back but YOU DON'T NEED ME TO ADD YOU BACK IF YOU'RE ONLY HERE FOR MY GRAPHICS. THEY WILL BE PUBLIC. I have no idea about the reasons why you never comment but I have some theories.
==> Let's say you liked my work (becuase I know my ramblings are not that interesting) and you added me and then put me under a friend group that you FORGOT or stopped following. So what are we gonna do about it now? I can stop by and ask you this one by one but COME ON IT'S REALLY STUPID! And it gets even frustrating when I comment to you and get nothing in return, yeah?
SECOND: The ones I added way back, I used to comment at but then stopped reading simply because I hadn't enough time around LJ. For those I'm sorry, I couldn't be a good friend. Now I know I've lost track of your entries and I know nothing about what's going on in your life. After my long hiatus, when I got back here, I saw you stopped reading my entries, too. It's only fair, I have nothing to say. You can delete me too, guys. No offend here.
From now on, I'll only add the ones I share SAME interests. I don't wanna cause any trouble for anyone. And I don't want my entries to make their page crowded. How does it sound?
OK. Time for some graphics now! :D
I made some animated SPN stuff yesterday. Hope you like them!
If you like them, I'll make more ;) Though I'm more confident with my still(non-animated) icons, I wanna learn more about animated stuff, too. So your opinions WILL BE TREASURED !! :D
So guys? Tell me what you think about them?
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!! See you next time!! ♥