Cause I really couldn't resist doing it...
I'm supposed to have someone from my f-list choose a fandom that I'm in, but since I'm only really in the two and they overlap, I decided to just answer them. Also, I decided to stick with just canon, and not the fandom in general, cause then that would have made this ridiculously long because of the variables presented in the world of fan fic.
1. The first character I fell in love with:
Wow...It'd have to be Xander, followed by Buffy.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Angel. I <3's him ever so much.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
(canon) Buffy
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
Angel, probably. And I still have a special place for Xander--people don't seem to like him much either.
5. The character I would shag anytime:
Spike. Cause dur.
6. The character I'd want to be like:
Um, no one? Though I wouldn't mind slayer strength, the bookishness of a Watcher, a British accent, and withcy powers.
7. The character I'd slap:
Generally speaking? That's tough, cause I could slap almost any of them, depending upon the situation. I don't think there's anyone who I wouldn't slap for something...Maybe Lorne, but that's about it.
8. A pairing that I love:
Strictly canon? Not much to choose from...Fred and Gunn before they unraveled. They were very cute, but not in the "I want to heave" kind of way. Oh--I did love
Xander/Cordy before it was stupidly ruined...
9. A pairing that I despise:
Wow. Despise is a very, strong word. Kennedy/Willow, but only because I genuinely despise Kennedy. Other pairings I don't like? I wouldn't say I despised them. Maybe sickened by them, or bored by them...
10. Favorite character:
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom.
The vibrancy of (some) characters, the richness of the text, the themes, how it makes one invested in the characters emotionally (not all shows do that--I don't miss an episode of Lost, but for the most part, I somehow manage to not give a crap about most of the characters, except for like two), and how it generally inspires me to write, be it fan fic or poetry. Also, how it manages to bring people together. Srsly.
ETA: Cons! And I'm so looking forward to Fangoria and D*C...
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom.
I only have one issue, and that's the directions some of the story lines took, but that's done, and can be easily remedied with well written fan fic. Also? That it's off the air, and there will probably never be a movie for it (with the original actors). Yes, that sucks donkey balls.
ETA: How Spike is presented as a dildo on legs in s6 for the most part, and how his goodness or badness is determined (by some) by his soul, or just the general idea that human soul=good, and demon and/or no soul=bad. Lame.
13. Who are my five favorite characters.
Spike, Angel, Cordy, Wes, Xander, Lilah
14. Who are my five least favorite characters.
Kennedy, Riley, Dawn, Buffy, Connor. Knox gets an honorable mention. And Eve.
15. What are my five favorite pairings
I don't have five favorites...not canon wise, anyway. Well, hang on--
Angelus/Darla, Cordelia/Xander, Gunn/Fred, Spike/Dru, and in certain respects, Wes/Lilah
16. What are my five least favorite pairings.
Angel/Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Buffy/Riley, Cordy/Groo, Kennedy/Willow.
ETA: Honorable mention could be Cordy/Connor, but since that wasn't really her, it doesn't count.
17. Which character are you most like.
I'd say Spike, for many, many reasons, such as having a poet's heart. But I could also say Angel--often misunderstood, can at times be a bit of a loner if left to his own devices, an old soul...
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret.
Hmm...I'm not sure I have one. I've been pretty forthright in where I stand in the fandom...or in general. My LJ is literally an open book (except for the locked entries in which you need to be on f-list in order to see).
No wait--that one actor who plays Spike, you know? Well, I think he's kinda cute... *looks around*
ETA: Working on chapter three of my s4 fic, and pondering a Cordelia and/or Xander essay.