
Nov 08, 2008 22:46

I don't watch "Grey's Anatomy," (though I have been forced to on occasion because my mom made me), but I do watch "The Soup" on E.  Apparently, a lesbian character is going to be removed because her gayness was deemed "unconstitutional."  Yeah, right.  That's unconstitutional, but the abundance of skankery of the women on that show is fine.  What a ( Read more... )

dumb ass award, personal

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Comments 8

ldyavalon November 9 2008, 06:35:57 UTC
Ugh. I still don't get how a film like Saw is up to it's fifth film... All my teenaged students loved it though...

Your teacher needs some definition on bullying... I should send her some of my childhood bullies :S


ms_scarletibis November 9 2008, 18:35:14 UTC
Saw? They're working on part VI, sorry to say.

I agree about the teacher thing--it was just another way of her insulting me, because I've never been a bully in my whole life.


caromiofic November 9 2008, 08:01:30 UTC
The head of that show told Kristin at E that it was just a story change, since they already have a lesbian character (so they don't need two). Whatev - the commercials alone are enough to turn me off from ever watching it, anyway.

Eeep! Scary tall person! Run away, run away! pfffft

I approve of the new layout. :)


ms_scarletibis November 9 2008, 18:37:12 UTC
Well, they have at least two skanks--why not take one of them out? Yeah, I'm all sour grapes...that prop 8 thing is not helping.

Lol on the Eeep! Actually, when I was younger, a few times I was mistaken for a bully strictly on appearance, but that's *so* not me.

As for the new layout, well...I was bored. The only thing I don't like is that I can't get my banner on there :( I do however, have a sweet Spike banner in the bio section of my profile :D


ssddgr November 9 2008, 13:26:51 UTC
I'm with you on the "Grey's Anatomy", "Z&M" and "Saw" thing. People are weird, and sadly they can enforce such decisions. *rolls eyes*

As for your teacher... can I have her email? *bats eyelashes* Maybe she felt you were bullying her because nobody has actually bullied her? *smiles innocently*



ms_scarletibis November 9 2008, 18:38:36 UTC
Lol, thanks :D I'm just glad that someone else was still in the room--some people get weird about stuff like that, and I have no idea if she might try to make something up to use it against me. I wouldn't be surprised though.

Thanks for the support :D



girly123 November 9 2008, 20:14:23 UTC
Dean of Students! I'm telling you.

If that doesn't work, take it to the department. Also, show her Ebert's response to her foul bullshittery.


ms_scarletibis November 10 2008, 05:21:05 UTC
I actually didn't write Ebert. She told me Friday that it wasn't a research article...At any rate, I've decided to either rewrite it or write something else. She had the head of the department look it over, and she thought I deserved a 3.5 out of 15.

I just want to get out of this shit school--I just want to pass. After this, I am free from this bullshittery.

(I totally *love* that word btw--thank you :D )


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