Challenge me...

Sep 13, 2008 14:31

So, I've come to the conclusion (well, I actually discovered this awhile ago about myself) that I am better suited at writing one shot fics.  (In regards to fiction writing) I'm all about the quickies, apparently.

Though I am overwhelmed with a bunch of RL BS, I still want to write shorts in my non-spare time.  Writing/reading fan fic is relaxing, and I'm a laid back gal, so I need as much as possible.  Also, I'm a comment whore, and fan fic is the best way to obtain my crack fixes (at least one of them, anyway).

Therefore friends, I ask you to challenge me.  Though I prefer Spuffy, I'm open to other pairings, except for the obvious ones in which I couldn't see happening even on a cold day in Hell.  Also, those familiar with my work, know that I enjoy the "fill in the blank" fan wank moments between characters.

So go on then--challenge me :D


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