
Sep 10, 2008 20:15

Though I have yet to figure out how to add a banner, the lovely   teragramm has given me some options:

See them here-- )

james marsters, banners

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Comments 17

pfeifferpack September 11 2008, 01:34:35 UTC
Don't know how much help I'll be (don't even remember if I'm using s1 or 2 to tell the truth) You need to so to manage and customize. After the themes come up you click to customize selected theme. On the left under "style" click on style.ON the bottom is may need to click on "expand all". Under header fin header image url. Put that photobucket direct link url (that's the one that will start "" under your photo in your album. Click save changes and you should be good to go. You can play with size in the header height box under the url slot...keep toying until you get what you want. Like I said I'm not even sure if I am using s2 or s1 but it should work about the same for either I would think!



ms_scarletibis September 11 2008, 01:40:26 UTC
Thanks Kathleen--I will try that and let you know what happens :D Although knowing me, I'll probably still screw it up, lol.

Also, I made a mistake on this post--I put the same link twice. The second one is a totally different banner.



ms_scarletibis September 11 2008, 02:47:05 UTC
Okay--maybe you have s2 because I don't see what you're talking about...But that's okay. I'll say "Uncle" now :D

Oh, and she did another! I took down the links and just uploaded the banners instead in this post.

Thanks again for your help :)


pfeifferpack September 11 2008, 03:28:25 UTC
Looks like s1 won't let you put one in the header...have you thought about using an s2? It's fairly easy to put together (If I can anyone can cause I'm hopeless).

The picture /banner is too pretty not to use that way!



k_taylor30 September 11 2008, 01:38:10 UTC
Are there supposed to be 2 different links? Cuz you just have the one pic (which will make anyone rife with envy who happens to pop by, LOL).


ms_scarletibis September 11 2008, 01:39:13 UTC
No, I just edited--the second one is different. I don't know how that happened...but let me know what you think ;)


kimrae1977 September 11 2008, 04:19:01 UTC
Hey, you got the banner up!


ms_scarletibis September 11 2008, 04:21:28 UTC
Yeah, I switched to s2, and all I had to do was input the html code from photobucket! I've been preoccupying myself now by deciding which one looks the best, as opposed to how to put one up in the first place.

Thanks for your help :D


beloved_77 September 11 2008, 01:47:00 UTC
Awesome! I like both banners, but I know you wanted the fake cologne add. Glad someone could make it up for you. Eowyn has a couple of tutorials on putting up banners in her memories. That's where I got the info to put up mine.


ms_scarletibis September 11 2008, 01:58:24 UTC
I just realized how to find her memories...and man do I feel slow.

Okay, let's hope I can figure this out :P Honestly, I just feel like literally passing the reins to someone and letting them do it. *sigh*


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