Nov 12, 2013 18:52
There's this meme on FB (and I cannot tell you how weird it is to do memes on just doesn't seem right), and decided to share it here.
15 Random Facts About Me:
1. I have nor have I ever had an interest at sports.
2. I auditioned for Julliard's acting program.
3. I've been writing since age 6, and reading since age...what 3?
4. I really am only 5'11".
5. One thing I am certain of as I get older is that I will attend at least one convention a year.
6. My mother induced labor a week before her due date. Either way, I would have been a Scorpio.
7. I have a girl crush on Angelina Jolie.
8. My favorite characters of all time are Lucy Ricardo, Spike, and Alan Shore.
9. I love "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"-- The movie. That's right, I said it.
10. I can't write with a filter. Even if I only share the content with a limited audience, I can't self-censor.
11. I enjoy playing dress up. Always have; always will. Especially if it's in a shade of blue.
12. I prefer my glasses to contacts, but only because they're less of a hassle. If I had the funds and wasn't so freaked out by it, I'd probably get that eye surgery.
13. I'd rather read a "can't put it down" book than go to a club.
14. "It's a Wonderful Life" is one of my favorite films, and one of my favorite love stories.
15. I can only listen to music that reflects my mood, come to think of it.