Buffy Reboot Thingy

Jul 26, 2012 14:59

'Cause a reboot is gonna happen eventually.

Taken from my blog Diary of a Fangirl.

This is mostly a fantasy post, since I already know that whatever reboot that is the works at present is not helmed by Joss, and the rights do not include any characters from the series, but come with me anyway, gentle readers, on this ride of reboot madness!

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fangirl, buffy the vampire slayer, buffyverse, movie, reboot

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boot_the_grime July 31 2012, 14:16:26 UTC
Instead of looking for a younger version of the original actors, in a fantasy casting (i.e. it will never happen anyway, but it's fun to imagine) I'd go for people who could work in the role. It would be amazing to see Michael Fassbender - who not only can do the dark and brooding and the sexy, romantic and seductive and the hidden scary psycho part, but would be an improvement on Boreanaz on several levels - first off, an authentic Irish accent; better acting chops; and, I have to say, he's also more classically handsome than DB - he would totally fit the "face of an angel" description. Except I'd imagine him several years younger than he's now. (I've seen him in an awful British supernatural drama called "Hex"... he was a mysterious demon lover in that, but really, really evil - however, also charming and seductive.)

For Spike - well, nobody can be as perfect as JM obviously, but the actor I'd like to see play the role is JGL's Inception and TDK co-star Tom Hardy - when he's his normal-sized and slimmer (and with hair on his head) self, naturally. :) Kind of like this: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/image.php?file=downloads/downloads/theatre/themanofmode_1/images/group2/m10.jpg&width=369 and this: http://i.thisislondon.co.uk/i/pix/2006/11/tomhardy071106_243x359.jpg

I could see Tom Hiddleston as Wesley.


ms_scarletibis July 31 2012, 17:17:43 UTC
You know something?

I think they'd be brilliant for a film! The rest of the cast would have to be aged up obviously, but I particularly love the choice of Fassbender.

Mostly because I love Fassbender :P

Who else would you cast in an older age margin?


boot_the_grime August 6 2012, 22:19:19 UTC
Who else would you cast in an older age margin?

I don't know about the older age margin - are we talking about a hypothetical story about Buffy, Willow, Xander etc. in high school as they were at the beginning of the show, or as they are years later? Though the entire cast was already years older than they were supposed to be - Charisma Carpenter and Nick Brendon were in their late 20s etc. The vampires are over 100 or 250 years old anyway, so it's not all that important how old they were when they were sired - and David and James were notably older in AtS season 5 compared to BtVS season 1/2, which required some suspense of disbelief...So it's hard to cast older than the original cast, especially at the end of the show!

Anyway, I've just seen The Amazing Spiderman, so I'm finally familiar with Andrew Garfield - and I agree he would be a great pick for Xander. And despite being almost 29, I think he makes a more convincing teenager than Nick did. For the rest of fantasy casting of current stars... how about Chris Evans for Riley? They even called Riley "Captain America" on the show! ;) After "Black Swan", I could see Mila Kunis as Faith. For Giles, there are several British actors who could do a good job, you've already listed them - I think I'd go with Colin Firth, since I can see him as a fussy librarian and as a badass and sexy bad boy Ripper. Or Alan Rickman. But not Jeremy Irons. I can't think of anyone for Willow (I'm not familiar with Saoirse Ronan... I've never seen "The Atonement"), or even Cordelia, although you'd think Cordelia would be a role easy to cast, with all the "mean girls" characters in teen shows... But I'm not familiar with the majority of current teen shows and movies and their stars, which is why younger roles are harder to cast. I can't think of anyone for Oz or Tara, either. For Buffy... Kristen Bell first comes to mind (that's the older age margin...) Maybe Jennifer Lawrence out of the young ones, if she can do Buffyspeak, but she's a good actress.

I'm not familiar with Keke Palmer. But I do think it would be great to have more diversity in the cast - it takes place in California, not Connecticut - unfortunately I can't think of anyone at the moment, it sucks that all the actors I've come up are white. Any of the American characters could be changed to black or Hispanic (except for Riley, being the quintessential All-American WASP boy is such a part of his character). I think making Xander, for instance, black or Hispanic would be very interesting just to watch the differences in viewers' reactions, particularly when it comes to fans such as the PC brigade on that blog which shall remained nameless. For instance, a mod on that blog insisted that Xander using sexist slurs against Cordelia was much worse than Cordelia using classist slurs against Xander. I can just imagine her cringing all the way through if the show had the exact same dialogue, with Cordelia mocking Xander for being poor and having no future, if Xander weren't white! American PC sensibilities seem to be attuned to any kind of prejudice, as long as it's not class prejudice, which it does its best to ignore.


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