Spike poll thus far...

Jul 02, 2012 17:31

So, nearly sixty participants, which is one of the biggest turnouts I've ever had in a poll.  Some folks still avoid my LJ like the plague, but that's cool.

So, the top three answers chosen of the ones given were the following:

He threatens any and all ships because he works with nearly anyone. 29 (23.0%)He had the best damn character arc of all time! 30 (23.8%)Eh, people are crazy. 25 (19.8%)

I think the first two really translate to jealously of the character, and that jealousy makes them terribly ornery, and then comes the crazy.

Deep thoughts; I know.

Also, here is a link that has some stats that prove Spike did not take over the show.  I know, I know--his presence was so amazing that it seemed like it, but his screen time really wasn't that bountiful.

And finally, I'd like to quote some awesome insight from slaymesoftly: "Once he became a cast member, rather than a guest star, he was just as entitled to screen time as anyone else with the possible exception of the girl whose show it was."

Word.  That is all.

spike, i sometimes analyze stuff

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