
May 10, 2011 01:05

I didn't intend to post anything until I had fic, but I read something, and that lead to this long response, and hell, it's something to talk about and discuss...

A YIM chat...

laraluvly5: check this shit out:

Deep Throat: "What’s too young"

Deep Throat: Well, that should be fairly obvious since we have laws about it.

laraluvly5: no shit

laraluvly5: this irked the fuck out of me...I'm still working on my response

Deep Throat: Also, the "she was asking for it" has nothing to do with being a slut.  That's rape, and it has nothing to do with sluttiness.

laraluvly5: THANK YOU.

Deep Throat: Just 'cause a girl sleeps around doesn't give anybody the right to force themselves on her.

Deep Throat: It's a fucking Twinkie defense.

Deep Throat: And anybody who thinks otherwise should have his penis cut off.

laraluvly5: Can you give a looksee to my response?

Deep Throat: You know, this new fenimist movement has forgotten what the orginal purpose was.

Deep Throat: It's about equality between the sexes.

Deep Throat: And I for one believe that both men and women can be sluts.

Deep Throat: Sure.

laraluvly5: Agreed.  There are plenty of man whores and man sluts to go around

laraluvly5: okay--sending it.

Deep Throat: If they really wanna do something, they could direct their energy into getting us equal pay for equal work.

Deep Throat: Or electing a female president.

Deep Throat: Or getting men to realize that a pair of boobs isn't an impediment to doing one's job.

Deep Throat: Besides, lots of men with boobs do well at their jobs.

laraluvly5: I sent it to your hotmail

Deep Throat: Stulll like opening a door for a woman isn't against feminism.  If anything, it's for it as a sign of respect.

Deep Throat: Just like I'd hold the door for an old person.

laraluvly5: I'd hold the door for anyone directly behind me

Deep Throat: I'm not supporting ageism.

laraluvly5: common courtesy

laraluvly5: and hell, what's wrong with a man willing to be a gentleman?

laraluvly5: Though this will probably never happen, if a man gave up his seat for me on the train or bus, am I going to go all crazy and yell cause he's inhibiting my ability as a woman to stand or something?  Uh, no.

Deep Throat: :p

laraluvly5: <--will sit her happy ass down

Deep Throat: If I'm in heels, I want a fucking seat.

laraluvly5: hell if I'm not, I still want one

laraluvly5: I've been on crutches before on the train, and have no one offer me a seat...that's the real problem with society today.

Deep Throat: It's not it's regulated by the state government.  I'm not Rosa Parks.

Deep Throat: *like it's

Deep Throat: "But if I invited several of my male or female coworkers, one at a time to join me in the broom closet for some personal time"

Deep Throat: :p

Deep Throat: "I feel as if the author is attempting to make women embrace the word slut as some black people embrace the word "nigga."  I am neither, and have never given a reason for anyone to call me either of those words either."

Deep Throat: Damn.

Deep Throat: There was that one time when you tried to pick up a man who had a girlfriend, though.

Deep Throat: :p

Deep Throat: And I helped you.

Deep Throat: I'm a slut, too.

Deep Throat: Slut by proxy?

Deep Throat: Aiding and abetting a slut?

Deep Throat: The dressing appropriately for the situation thing is a good point.  I can dress like a ho for clubbing, but my (hypothetical) employer would can my ass if I showed up dressed like that for work.

Deep Throat: Unless he was my pimp...

laraluvly5: That didn't make me a slut--that made me an ambitious bitch :p  Besides, they were on the outs.

laraluvly5: So, it's good to post?

Deep Throat: Sure.

laraluvly5: Do I sound insensitve?

laraluvly5: *insensitive

Deep Throat: Also, nobody can shame you unless you let them.  If you're a slut, be a slut.  I don't care.

laraluvly5: true

laraluvly5: I felt as if the reading was implying that all rape victims were sluts

laraluvly5: I mean hell, sluts exist

Deep Throat: I don't think you sound insensitive, but I mostly agree with you and am not a whiner who has to complain.

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