Angel on TNT

Mar 24, 2011 00:41

It's true--

I own all seasons of both Ats and BtVS.  And every time I've planned on doing a marathon of some kind, something would get in the way.  However, watching the reruns of Buffy on Oxygen on occasion, and now every morning on TNT for Angel...I'm finding the fandom love [again].  I've found a squee I hadn't realized was missing.  Currently, I ( Read more... )

quick chats, ats, btvs, updates, writing

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Comments 17

musicbitch March 24 2011, 06:19:35 UTC
Is it bad that when I'm actually up at that time, I choose to watch Saved By the Bell reruns instead of Angel? There are just so many episodes I can't stand, so if it happens to be one of those, I quickly change the! I'm someone that couldn't get into AtS as much as Buffy, though, but I won't even watch those reruns. Hell, my DVDs do nothing but collect dust. I fear I am losing the fandom love=(


ms_scarletibis March 26 2011, 17:17:15 UTC
I don't get the Angel hate or indifference. Honestly, I like it better than BtVS :P So no, I don't think it's bad. I suppose it just depends on who you're talking to. I know I'm in a fandom where I'm the minority, so this surprises me not.

Wait--you don't watch Buffy reruns either? Heh, those are the ones I'll sort of watch :P

Judging by my f-lists lack of posts...I'd say we aren't the only ones losing fandom love. Personally, I think we need a spike (er, no pun) in fan fic and put out something different (which is another reason I'm working on my Kendra/Spike, and also a Buffy and Angel (not Bangel) one shot that takes place post her resurrection. I just think that...even though this fandom is more Spuffy oriented, we should broaden the scope for renewed interest.


nmcil12 March 31 2011, 17:31:28 UTC
I think Season 8 and the comic books should renew the interest and creativity for the Buffy & Angel fan fic writers. There is so much new material to work with - boy if nothing else the introduction of Spike and this new spaceship and his insect crew opens up an entire new element to work with. I have had a lot of fun doing some new Spuffy Editions with this theme and I hope that fan fiction writers will give us stories of Spike and Buffy in Space-Time-Dimensions.

I don't usually watch re-runs, I always go with my DVD's since I like to watch several episodes together - and I can't deal at all with commercials. I will be starting to watch Angel again, but really Buffy Season 8 really, IMO, did major damage to the character.


ms_scarletibis April 1 2011, 20:08:09 UTC
From what I gather, though, is that a lot of fans discount the comics as one giant clusterfuck that they'd like to ignore. There was the whole "Nertz to Whedon!" ficathon thing but other than that...I'm not sure how many actually care to dissect that [alleged] "season" 8.

Angel--I have mad love for Angel. I don't know what's going on with the comics, but that wasn't my beloved character--no way.


caromiofic March 24 2011, 07:43:28 UTC
I'm glad TNT has stuck to airing Angel. BTVS really has been bounced around for reruns.


ms_scarletibis March 26 2011, 17:18:15 UTC
Initially it was on F/X regularly, but I guess they...I don't know. Buffy's sporadically on Oxygen [although, I find myself more drawn to watching Angel than that...].


spikesjojo March 24 2011, 20:20:04 UTC
Wohoo - and the light returns! My daughter downloaded and burned BTVS and Angel (at least all Spike episodes) for me. I'm rewatching Angel a lot to see....possibilities. Someone told me recently that the romantic arc for the season (according to Joss) was supposed to be Angel/Spike(not w/f/I?. Not sure I believe that but I am seeing a lot more in Angel's eyes.

I do love Wes - might well be willing to watch the early eps just to get a better idea of who he is. Also love Cordelia, Lorne, Fred....but Spike is my obsession.


ms_scarletibis March 26 2011, 17:21:51 UTC
Yeah--s5 of Ats was very Spangel heavy. In it, we learn that at least once, Spike and Angel were intimates. They really were the best pairing on both 'verses, IMO. They were so wickedly adorable :p

I very much rec watching Ats from beginning to finish. In my personal opinion, it's a better show, and amazing when Spike's added as a permanent fixture. S5 is my fave season, but I love the show overall :)


nmcil12 March 31 2011, 17:19:02 UTC
The interaction with Spike and Angel were great in Ats5. James Marsters and David Boreanaz were great together. I really liked all the actors on the series and all the characters - who would have thought that Wesley from BtVS would have become Wes from AtS. That scene when he shoots that knee right out of the employee - still haunts me as does his episode with his robot dad.


ms_scarletibis April 1 2011, 20:10:00 UTC
Not gonna lie--Wes shooting out that knee cap...I thought it was hilarious :p

The part with his "father" was sad, however. He didn't have to kill him to stop him from hurting Fred...I think we learned two things in that instance--that he was willing to do any and everything for her (and I'm still unsure as to why), and that deep down, he probably wanted his father dead. He could have gone to wound him--shoot him in a certain part of his shoulder to take out his arm--the one that was used to threaten Fred. Instead, he shot him several times center mass--death kill.


nmcil12 March 31 2011, 17:14:15 UTC
I've been watching Season 7 again and I just feel in love all over again - All the discussions from the last Spike series about "souls" took me back to refresh Season 6 and 7 for me.

The more years go by, the more I love Spike and his journey with Buffy. While I like having the comic seasons to read, I'm not sure that they have done anything to add to either series.

Angel After the Fall I think was a good project because that NFA ending I personally think did work as the next season - I wanted to know what happened after the ending at the alley. Angel's choices from his decision to take on TCoBT had a lot of questions, that I felt needed to be explored as the consequences of his choices. Season 8 - to me that is still one great big mess.


ms_scarletibis April 1 2011, 20:02:06 UTC
Yeah--AtF is the *only* portion of comic I will accept as canon, simply because it was done so well. If the show had been greenlit for a s6, however, I don't think that they would have had Angel take on W&H. I still think we would have learned about Spike's lack of soul, that Gunn and Harm would have got together, and that the Wes/Illyria arc would have made some strong headway. Oh and of course, the mad loving Spangel that would have been going on.

S7...there are some fun eps that season. Actually, the only thing I can think of is "Storyteller," which is a favorite of mine :)


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