Some "Thank Yous," and...

Dec 21, 2010 21:34

I just wanted to say a big thanks for the Christmas cards I received.  In addition to Barb, I also got cards from Immortal Beloved, Kathleen, and Unbridled Brunette.  Thanks guys :D  Also, two of you, states apart, sent me the exact same card ;)

I'd also like to thank Dawnofme for her brilliant expertise and help with my eBook.  Thanks ever so much ( Read more... )

wtf, buffyverse, thank yous

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Comments 10

eleusis_walks December 22 2010, 03:45:49 UTC
I would actually watch the Buffy remake if HeMo was Buffy ngl.


ms_scarletibis December 22 2010, 04:10:21 UTC
The thing is...I don't know what her acting range is, or if she even has one. I mean, she's brilliant as Brittany, and she's an awesome dancer and seems to be athletic, so she probably wouldn't need a stunt double but...

Do you know how tall she is?


eleusis_walks December 22 2010, 04:12:33 UTC
Kristy Swanson does not have much of an acting range, I am just sayin. And frankly, though she's perfect as Buffy, neither does Smidge.

No idea.


ms_scarletibis December 22 2010, 04:17:15 UTC
They said it was supposed to be all "dark" and someone who worked on "The Dark Knight" was supposed to be working on it, so I had this certain image in my head of what they were going to do with it, which she didn't fall under, honestly. The initial movie was purposely campy and fun, and I thought Swanson was perfect for that role (and I loved the fact that she did her own stunts. I have great admiration for stuff like that).

But if we're talking Glee cast, I can see Rivera being better suited for the role :)

<--has a thing about tall, not in a sexy way.


empresspatti December 22 2010, 04:12:06 UTC
I love her on Glee. I'm looking forward to the reboot. If it's good, hurray and if its bad - So What? I miss Buffy.....


ms_scarletibis December 22 2010, 04:17:47 UTC
<--is also looking forward to the reboot.

It's supposed to be some dark, gritty thing, so I'm curious what the crap they will do :)


musicbitch December 22 2010, 05:21:49 UTC
Yeah, it's not happening, they've already dismissed her getting the role. It was just a rumor, last I heard. I have to feel for anyone they do pick. That person is going to be judged viciously, no matter who it is.


jacobs_muse December 22 2010, 17:01:03 UTC
I posted an article about the current state of casting (which is it's way too early for them to be looking).


vantiri August 3 2021, 00:38:32 UTC
What Ebook, and where could it be obtained, as well as what's the title thereof?


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