New England Comic Con Part 2

Oct 19, 2010 09:05

NOTE: Feel free to link, but no copying/pasting, please.

Quick explanation of a few quotes that didn't make it into the appropriate entry:

"You are magnificent.  Is this for a school project?" was from Mark Metcalf.  Actually, the first part was really started with "How tall are you?" and then the magnificent line during the interview (he interrupted himself.  Or maybe it was me...vid to come soon), and then the "school project" line was post the interview.  He also was the one to say, "You've never done this before, have you?"  To which I sadly had to say, "No..." :P

I didn't mention this one in the teaser post, but Amber thought I was gorgeous, loved my hair, and at the end of the interview, I asked if I could swap germs with her (during the interview, she mentions the only drawback to cons being that at times, she would catch colds from shaking so many hands and hugging people), to which she gave me a hug.

"Am I gonna see you tonight?" and  "See?  Black can blush"--that was all Nick.  I haven't had the chance to post any vids, but some are already up.  There isn't actual footage of me blushing, however, but here is the bit I was referring to--go to 11:30 to hear my question and to see Nick embarrass me:

"What do you want, Trouble?" was Froggy.  I was about to ask him where the line was for Nick and James' photo op...I just thought it was funny since James referred to me as "Trouble" as well last year at Fangoria.

Okay, the Concert Saturday night...

Again--that VIP pass guaranteed us seating (IB got one too after I'd gotten mine) when without it, we would have had none.  Once again, we were in that teeny room that probably was only to seat 100 people for some reason...I mean, it was a big convention center.  Surely there were other rooms?

Anyway, James sounded great.  He forgot the words/melody to "Civilized Man" (and frankly, so did I until we got to the hotel room later that night), but played everything else on his set list, I think.  Also, about a third of the audience or more were males, which was, well, different :p

When he performed "Finer Than Gold," I will admit that as he was explaining how he messed up with buying the wrong mineral, essentially, and that the song was an apology, that I not so quietly said, "That's not normal!" as a knee jerk reaction to hearing that story so many times.  Frankly, that's how I feel about it.  Someone takes the time to buy you a gift--an expensive one none the less--even if you don't like it (and it was never said that it was an ugly necklace--just gold and not silver), that you say, "Thank you," wear it once or twice, then put it in your drawer.  It's called being thankful, courteous, and it's the polite thing to do.  Didn't get to say all that, but that is my stance, that's how I was raised, and I'm sticking to it.

Anywho, about a third of the way into the concert with the intense blue lighting (which, I enjoyed, blue being my favorite and all), IB leans over to me and says, "If you get me that set list, I'll buy you a photo op with James."  Well, needless to say, that put me on edge for the rest of the concert (cause I enjoy free things, like photo ops), as I was trying to figure out how I could possibly get to it before anyone else, being about seven rows back and not even in the aisle and in heels.  I thought about taking them off, then nixed it.  I thought about just flat out asking James (he was talking to audience members in between songs anyway) then nixed that too.  Then, he finally announced that he had four songs left, and my anxiety levels were on ten by that point.

Finally, the last song rolled around, and as he waved, I stood up and got in the aisle, clapping.  He was just about down the stairs by the time I strode over to the stage (I figured I could make it there in four long strides), and I grabbed the white piece of paper, placed it in IB's hands, and insured my freebie photo op for the next day.

Sunday, the first thing we did was interview Clare and Mercedes.  Since I had pretty much the same questions for both of them and they were sitting next to each other, Clare suggested that we interview them at the same time, which worked out fine (and let me say that television and photos do not do Mercedes justice--she's absolutely gorgeous in person.  Also, a bit shy).  Afterward, Clare offered us some of the donuts meant for the cast members, and walked us over to said donut box to make sure no one stopped us.  Oh, and she made sure both of us had chairs (she's a hella awesome lady), since the guy over there...well, it was as if he didn't want to--like it was too much trouble to pick up a plastic chair.  Hell, I was able to do it one handed the day before, which, made him upset somehow that I didn't wait on him to get it...

<--does not enjoy waiting.

Cause he did in fact want us to wait until he could "work something out" even though there were empty chairs visible just a few feet away...

Then, it was time for James' photo op.  Honestly, I've run out of ideas.  Either I've done it before, or didn't have a desire to do it.  I was standing on my last leg with pose ideas.


I give Steve my photo ticket, enter the photo area, and as I'm putting down my bags and stuff in a chair, Steve not so covertly calls out to James, "Jillian!" to which James greets me, "Hey, Jillian" kind of quietly.  Well, in comparison to Steve anyway.

Just a side note--I don't feel as if James should be obligated to know my name (he knows my face--that's good enough), but it's nice to know that he's trying.  Also, I never asked him to commit my name to memory, but I again, appreciate the gesture.

So, after I put my stuff away, James and I hug, and he says how good it's been to see me.

James: "It's been awhile."
Me: Yeah, I know.  I just ran out of ideas.  (laughs) I don't have much left.

I show him two poses that I'm not entirely crazy about, and he picked the one he wanted.

James: Okay, you just have to look like you're having an orgasm.


So, we get into the pose, James all in my neck crack, and then Froggy takes the shot.

James: (smiles) You smell like coconut.
Me: (makes a bashful face while nodding) Yeah, I use...

And I somehow jerk my head around or something, and slap myself in the face with my hair, which was still a bit damp from washing earlier in the morning.  I think I startled James a bit with that, slapping my own face with a slight "plop" on my forehead from my I gave a nervous smile, he shook my hand, and I made a hasty exit in embarrassment.

I decided to get a pic signed from James.  After some thought, I finally decided on the photo I had with him earlier this year at the Valentine's Day event.  I walk over, and just as I was about to hand the photo to Helen to pass to James, Steve said, "Jillian--let me see that before you hand it to him."  He asked me how I did it, and I told him that I just cropped the jpeg and made it black and white.  Steve nodded, seemingly impressed, then passed it to James.

James: The camera just loves you.
Me: Thank you.  And thanks for being such a good sport.
James: (glances up at me, confused) Sport?  What do I have to be a sport about?

He continues writing as he says this, pauses, then writes "U. R. Hot!" I tell him thanks, then try to explain what I meant.

Me: Oh, I just meant, you know, for participating yesterday.
(I hold in front of him the pic of us and Nick)
James: See that? (points to himself) Do I look uncomfortable to you?  I was more than happy to be there.  Not put out at all.
Me: I think we made Nick uncomfortable.
James laughs, and I laugh with him.
Me: You're used to it--he isn't.
He then thanked me for coming, shook my hand, and that was that.

I ran into Nick later, and apologized to Nick if I had made him uncomfortable, to which he said, "Nah, I wasn't uncomfortable at all," while smiling, and gave my arm a little pat.  It really did make me feel better, since by that point, I thought perhaps I'd put Nick on the spot.  But I'm glad I hadn't--it was nice to know for sure.

We picked up our photo ops shortly after, and Steve was looking them over.  He saw mine, and I pointed out how I didn't like the fact that I still had a magazine page in my hand, but he pointed it out and said that it was a symmetry to it--like there was an audience watching us.  Also, the blue picks up my shirt.

  And that's when I realized that yep--I do like it.  It's officially one of my faves.

All in all, I'd say that this was one of my favorite conventions, and I'm really happy to have gone.  Good times.

Oh, and the "Quick Chat" vids should be up soon!  (er, soon as in this week, I hope ;)

new england comic con, report, nicholas brendon, james marsters, concert, 2010

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