Boston Comic Con Photo Ops

Oct 18, 2010 14:23

NOTE: Feel free to link, but no copying/pasting, please.

Photo Ops are here... )

new england comic con, nicholas brendon, james marsters, pictures

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musicbitch October 18 2010, 20:08:54 UTC
Now I'm trying to picture you all nekid and covered in fake blood. Okay, that's not creepy at! I know James' take on Twilight, but I've always wanted to know what he thought of True Blood, or just Eric in particular. Unfortunately, I've never been able to ask, but going by his reaction to this picture, I'm thinking he knows nothing about the show.


ms_scarletibis October 19 2010, 03:42:39 UTC
Lol :p

When I showed the pic, neither gave any indication of their awareness of the show...sorry I can offer no insight :/


musicbitch October 19 2010, 04:02:22 UTC
I know he couldn't exactly watch it with the kids around, but I was hoping he would have some knowledge of it. Why does this disappoint me? My obsession for this show is a! It brings me back to when I was first obsessed with Buffy.


ms_scarletibis October 19 2010, 04:05:21 UTC
I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, but I'm going to Netflix it one of these days :)


musicbitch October 19 2010, 04:29:41 UTC
You should, although, my obsession has died down a bit with this last season, but the beautiful Alexander keeps me coming back for more;)


ms_scarletibis October 19 2010, 04:32:03 UTC
Yes, he is a gorgeous least as Eric. He really doesn't do it for me as himself :p


musicbitch October 19 2010, 04:46:42 UTC
Yeah, he takes some getting used to. Eric didn't do anything for me at first, and with Alex, it's not so much his looks that I'm attracted to, it's just everything else. I smile whenever I see or read him in interviews, and he just seems like a great guy overall.

On a somewhat different note. *points to icon* In my opinion, the only reason to watch the show;)


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