New England Comic Con Part 1

Oct 18, 2010 02:50

NOTE: Feel free to link, but no copying/pasting, please.

So, I'm now in Connecticut, hanging out at IB's house.  I had an upset stomach, and she made me drink Alka Seltzer.  It was not pleasant.

Anywho, I arrived at BDL airport Friday afternoon after an hour delay due to strong winds.

Disclaimer: Feel free to link to this if you like, but just so ( Read more... )

new england comic con, report, nicholas brendon, james marsters, 2010, fangirl moment

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Comments 34

ssddgr October 18 2010, 15:33:16 UTC
I need more info on the interviews, but take your time. I'll just be here, blinking at the fact that you had James groping you while Nick was between your legs, more or less. You do realize that's the threesome of my dreams, RIGHT? (only, you're not there; I am :P)


ms_scarletibis October 18 2010, 16:41:23 UTC
Remind me to PM you about those.

And hey--I'm bizarro!You so that kind of counts, right?


You'll be seeing them both at Hallowhedon soon, right?

*whistles innocently*


ssddgr October 18 2010, 16:44:49 UTC
They're not coming to HW, as far as I know. If they were, I SO have Andrei's permission to go after them. LOL! They're on my "Allowed" list!

Hmm, bizarro!Me should count, so YAY! I was sorta-groped! LOL!

PM/email me!


fenchurche October 18 2010, 15:47:47 UTC
Oh my gosh!!! Can't wait to see the photo, but that sounds like quite an adventure!

Congrats on the new job!!!


ms_scarletibis October 18 2010, 16:41:56 UTC
It really was :D

And thank you!


musicbitch October 18 2010, 16:26:26 UTC
God, no, you did not show them that picture. You have guts, I'll give you that, but there are other pictures in that same pose where they are wearing clothes. I never liked that Rolling Stones cover, where others found it hot, I just found it to be creepy. Anyway, I'm interested to see the final product=)


ms_scarletibis October 18 2010, 16:32:58 UTC
My guts barely made the cut Saturday ;)

See, I don't watch that show, and had no idea that there were other variations on the pose with clothing. If I had, I would most certainly have brought it :P

I didn't think it was hot per se--just interesting. Also, you know me--I don't enjoy smiley poses :P


musicbitch October 18 2010, 16:47:54 UTC
Oh, yeah, they do that same pose so many times. That cover was the only one I actually saw all nekid. I hate smiling in pictures, but I do it because if I don't, I end up looking like I'm pissed off. It's a thing.


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ms_scarletibis October 18 2010, 17:10:47 UTC
You're most welcome :D

Oh, I meant fangirl cred cause of the interviews, but I guess those count too, lol :P

Oh, and not sexually uncomfortable, just in general with the idea of it maybe? He said he wasn't later, but...anywho, there was an incident with another fan where Nick got on his knees in front of James as a joke, which made James uncomfortable :P Or so I heard.


unbridled_b October 18 2010, 20:01:36 UTC
Do you mean to tell me you posted all that and you didn't include the actual picture? Bad, bad, BAD!



ms_scarletibis October 18 2010, 20:05:13 UTC

Check the next entry, lady :P

<--loves your icon.


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