For the Spuffy Shipper In You.

May 17, 2010 17:18

Poll inspired by this post, along with some others previous (that I can't recall right now...).

ETA: I didn't forget AH fics, but I was trying to keep things close to the vein of canon, which excludes AH, unfortunately.  But I do enjoy those!

More Poll! )

buffyverse, poll, spuffy

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ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 22:20:36 UTC
s5 instances/one shots:
s6 instances/one shots:
(and sorry I couldn't narrow that section down. They were pretty scattered on my LJ :/)
s7 instances/one shots:

They did a lot of damage to it which I'm not sure they ever understood the lasting ramifications of...

Honestly, I'm not sure they cared :/ I think a good deal of them, including Joss, were Bangels at heart. Hey, even...who was it, David Fury, I think, attempted to put Spike in a negative light in LMPTM, and realized later that he actually had the opposite effect. I think some were resentful of Spike's popularity, and took that out on his character as well as the Spuffy 'ship.


sidhlairiel May 19 2010, 22:29:05 UTC
Thanks for those :) I'll have a look through them when I have a free moment.

But grr, I had no idea David Fury tried to sabotage that ep! I thought he changed his mind about Spike? Or was that *after* LMPTM? I hear so many contradictory things about Joss I have no idea which ship he prefers, to be honest. But if I were him I would be proud that I had created two such popular ships instead of trying to sabotage one in favour of the other. It was the writers, after all, who introduced the possibility of Spuffy in Something Blue and brought in Spike as a main character. They shouldn't punish the fans for responding enthusiastically to their *own* ideas...


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 22:36:17 UTC
Fury changed his mind after LMPTM.

I hear that Joss loves Spike but...I don't know. You'd think he show it more, but whatevs.

Something Blue was the genius of Espenson, I believe, who's a huge Spike fan. That's why the eps were somewhat of a mixed bag--there were those who favored the character, and those that didn't (like...who was it that had a huge hard on for Riley? Tim Minear?).


sidhlairiel May 19 2010, 22:43:12 UTC
Did Tim Minear work on Buffy? I tend to associate him solely with Angel (for which he wrote some of my favourite eps).

Jane Espenson is the best ^_^ And I think you're right about David Fury - I'll have to listen to the commentary on LMPTM again and check what he says...


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 23:02:29 UTC
Sorry, I meant Doug Petrie. He had a HUGE boner for Riley...


sidhlairiel May 19 2010, 23:06:56 UTC
Ah, I thought so :)

...y'know, I do have a big soft spot for Riley, especially in his awkward courting of Buffy in s4. But when his character was used in a really obnoxious way to mirror Spike and smack us over the head with the 'bad guys do not good boyfriends make'? That really got my hackles up.


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 23:10:47 UTC
I was always indifferent to Riley. He bored me a great deal. But yeah, AYW...ugh. Don't get me started, lol.


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