Simplicity at it's best...

Apr 22, 2010 16:29

I am going to officially recuse myself from any debate against the Spike and Spike fan haters.  No letters; no more reply comments on official forums or what have you...


Because it's fruitless that way.

You see, when you're dealing with a simpleton, or someone who's view is so entirely provincial that they can only see things in one way and in one shade, then what is the point?  I am fairly certain that there is no elbow room for intelligent debate, because if there was, both parties would have to have an intelligent point of view.  And if to you (not you guys) all Spike is made of is cheekbones, abs, and pure, undiluted evil, and you simply refuse to see what was given in the show about the character, then...All I would be doing--any of us who tried--is wasting time.  I don't know about you, but I'd rather use my time for things that I want to do.

I'm done letting these people attempt to rob me of my fandom joy.  I can't even get upset about this stuff anymore--it's a joke. The naysayers, the comics--all of it. I can't take this shit seriously.  My head would explode if I did.

I am a Spike fan.  I am a shipper.  Spuffy.  Spangel.  Cangel.  Other pairings.

And I don't give a good damn what they think.  That is, assuming there's much thought at all going on with them.  To quote my grandfather, "If brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough to blow up the eye of a needle."   That sums it up for me, yep. the same time, I don't believe in going quietly. This isn't a "if you ignore it, it'll go away" type of deal.  The only suggestion I have at the moment, however, is...whenever you hear an idiotic comment that generalizes (poorly) what a Spike fan or Spuffy shipper is about?

Ask them to prove it.  Back it up with some factual detail.  I'm pretty sure the only answer they'd be able to give is, "Well...because!"  That, and, as Spuffy shippers and Spike fans, in regards to the comics, let's try to refrain from such comments as, "But it's our turn!"  Yes, I have seen such comments, and they made me cringe.  Spread the word that that phrase, or any phrase similar to, is officially eliminated from any post, because it does in fact make us look pathetic and whiny.

spike, comics, shipper crap, spuffy

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