Valentine's Event 2010

Feb 23, 2010 22:58

It was five months since I last saw James.

The first thing up was the photo ops, and Beloved_77 and I decided to do our group photo first, and she was in front, and met James with a hug before I did.  And then it was my turn.

James: (smiles) Come here.

And then we hugged very tightly.  We pulled back, and his hands resting on my torso.

James: It's so, so good to see you.
Me: It's really good to see you too.
James: Come here--let me get another one.

And then we hugged again.

James: (in a bit of a saucy manner, smirking) So, what are you going to have me do today?

And he helped us set up the three chairs for our group photo.  We all sat down--James in the middle of our human Oreo cookie--and then he placed his hand on my thigh for the shot.

I mention this for the simple fact that it threw off the expression I wanted to make for the photo, and instead, I am left smiling widely.  Which I suppose is okay considering most of my photos with him are posed, but whatevs.

Froggy took two shots, and then after, Beloved_77 took her solo shots.

When it was my turn, he hugged me again.  I showed him the two options--one very chaste Banana Republic ad, and one very sexy Unforgivable Woman perfume ad.  He chose the latter.

James: Oh yeah--that one. 
Me: You sure?
James: Definitely.

So for anyone who thinks I make him uncomfortable or act as if he has no choice in the photo ops--I gave him an easy out, and he chose the saucy pose.  Er, not that anyone here thinks that, this being an f-locked post and all...but there are some who do, which irks the hell out of me, for the record.

I scootched down in front of him, and he put his face by neck and said, "I have to look like I mean it," and then Froggy took the shot.  I wasn't sure that I would like how I looked, but meh.  It's kind of growing on me...

Well, it's grown on me.  Initially, I thought it'd end up looking like a bitey pose, which was something I had no interest in doing, but it doesn't, and I likes it.
Anyway, afterward he took my hand, and reiterated how good it was to see me.  I smiled and said the same.

At the auto table, he said our photo was "hot--really, really hot."  He stared at it for a bit before signing.  I told him that he gave me a hard time on that shoot.

James: Oh yeah?  What'd I do?
Me: Oh, you just kept laughing a lot.

He was giddy as a school girl frankly, but I didn't want to say that.

Me: And just let me say, I am so glad you're finally coming back to Chicago.  It's only been like, several friggin' years.
James: Yeah, it's been awhile.  Last time I was there though, I did some regrettable things.
Me: (Buh?)   ...Oh.
James:  Really, it was great seeing you again. (shakes my hand)  Really.
Me: Yes, really great seeing you too. (smiles)

I'll (attempt to) get to the sonnets and the concert in a bit.

report, james marsters, valentine's day event, 2010

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