Two for One.

Aug 24, 2009 20:43

First part--

Read a great post over here, in regards to folks trying to compare President Obama to Hitler, painting that little mustache on photos of him...Really, why has it come to that?  It surpasses absurdity as well as extreme stupidity.  Surpasses it by leagues.

Second part--

"Inglorious Basterds"

Not for people who...

*are wicked sensitive.  There is a lot of violence in this film, although not gratuitously so.  And for the most part, it's funny.

*are insistent that films based on historical events be 100% accurate.  This film is a period piece, but not accurate by any means.  In fact, the way WWII ends in Tarantino's vision is just pure awesome, and frankly better than the actual events.

*have short attention spans.  If you need things to go "BOOM!" every five minutes, then this isn't the movie for you.  Though when things do go "BOOM!", it's damn intense from all of the tension build up.  Tarantino rocks the foreplay, and is able to give major payoff.

His scenes of dialogue are lengthy and excellent.  Each character has a distinct voice (and not due to the individual actor who plays the part, but I'm talking about the words in the script).

I give this film five out of four stars, and see Oscars (yes, plural) on the horizon.

big pimping, dumb ass award, quentin tarantino, movie reviews

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