A/N: For Abelina, who inspired me through many comments on one of her entries :D Also, started as a drabble, but got longer than intended...still short though. Also, I've never written for these characters. Ever. So this is me, scared, posting. But you know me--to hell with it.
Summary: During "Smashed," right after Spike leaves Warren's place. The Trio discusses Spike...
"Oh, so Spike had to leave? So soon?" Andrew darted his eyes between his two friends, hoping they didn't notice how whiney he sounded. They didn't.
"What was that all about anyway, Warren?" Jonathan asked.
Warren looked up the basement stairs, where Spike had just exited.
"Not sure. Something about a chip."
"Well you know--he shouldn't be allowed to just burst in here whenever he wants and stuff, bossing us around and-and threatening us. Right?" Jonathan asked.
Warren frowned thoughtfully at that, turning to face his two partners. "I don't know. It's like...he's just so--"
"Cool," Andrew finished, a dreamy look on his face.
"Sure, he barges in, all furrowed brow and demanding things, but he's a real man's man. You know? Han Solo, James Bond--they aren't real. I mean, he's reality there guys. Spike is the ultimate cool. You kind of have to respect that," Warren finished, plopping down in one of the leather chairs.
"Yeah. Who needs Timothy Dalton when you have Spike?" Andrew added, a dreamy look on his face. Catching himself a tad too late, he added, "I mean, James Bond."
"Yeah--Dalton, Connery and Moore were playing a role. But Spike?" Jonathan paused, nodding to himself. "Gentlemen, that is real life at its finest. The coat. The hair. The..."
"Swagger," Andrew supplied.
"The sheer presence. That there my friends, is a role model. Spike--he truly sets the standard," Warren said.
"Maybe we could all, get coats like him or something?"
Warren shook his head at Andrew's idea.
"Nah. No point in even trying to duplicate that sheer awesomeness. It's just best to watch and admire..."
They all paused, lost in their thoughts, fanboying over Spike in their own way.