Seven Seasons of Speechifying Poll

Jul 15, 2009 13:56

So, I've taken the top answers from here, and made this poll.  Spike had a three way tie, so I included all three.

May the best speech win :D

ETA: That should say "Touched" and not "Chosen."  Uneditable polls are made of fail...

Poll Best Speech

buffyverse characters, poll

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Comments 70

larabeckinsale July 15 2009, 19:39:12 UTC
Really hard to choose between Chosen and Beneath you, but I voted Beneath you, because even though the Chosen one is all about spuffy romance, Beneath you is so powerfull, makes me shiver and always brings out a tear or two, it's one of James' best performances!


ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 19:53:22 UTC
I narrowed it down to "Beneath You" and Anya's speech in "The Body," because those are the only two that make me cry. And when I thought really hard about it...

I went with Marsters. I can watch that on mute and it breaks my heart. Truly one of his best performances (so far).

Thanks for voting :D


maddonna001 July 15 2009, 19:52:30 UTC
I love those two Spike speeches but my fav is the one in The Gift. I cry so hard every time I see it.


ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 19:54:46 UTC
Really? You know what made me slightly teary in "The Gift"? When Spike's face crumples and he just breaks down. That really stabs me in the heart. But yeah, the only two that made me cry ever was "Beneath You" and "The Body" ;) Anya's speech as well as Buffy's "Don't touch the body!" That just kills me...


maddonna001 July 15 2009, 19:57:28 UTC
yes, when Spike breaks down in The Gift and just cries, not even caring what is around him, that scene was a real tearjerker.
and Beneath You? When Buffy throws the money on him...Why are men so sexy when they cry?


ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 20:01:19 UTC
Oh, you mean in "Fool For Love"? Yeah, that...well that was more for me, "Oh--Spike needs a hug. I wanna hug him."

Curse that Marsters, making me wanna cry and stuff :P


servus_a_manu July 15 2009, 20:37:40 UTC
Oh yay! I get to have my cake and eat it, too! Went with Beneath You in this one, having picked Chosen in the last. Although it was really hard not to go with Anya's in The Body, coz, srsly... "buckets of salt" doesn't really begin to describe it. But while Anya's speech pushes me over the edge, she doesn't have to bring me there by herself. I mean, I'm already close to (if not already) crying, and her "I just don't understand why" twists that knife deeper. While the Beneath You speech runs the gamut of emotions in the space of one scene. Definitely a virtuoso performance. Thanks for posting round two and letting me get my way! Hee!


ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 21:03:29 UTC
While the Beneath You speech runs the gamut of emotions in the space of one scene.

Excellent point right there. Even though I picked that scene, I was waffling between that one and Anya's speech. But you make an excellent point, and that was the deal breaker.

Marsters really should have been nominated for an Emmy there, as was mentioned by Kathleen below ;)


caromiofic July 15 2009, 20:42:06 UTC
'You're the one' speech is in "Touched".

Xander's "Potential" speech is some of Nick's best work ever. That little tremble in his voice in "extraordinary". They both played that scene perfectly, with her silent tears welling up and his heartfelt genuineness.

"Beneath You" church scene might be the most gorgeous bit of film of the entire series.


pfeifferpack July 15 2009, 20:59:43 UTC

"Beneath You" church scene might be the most gorgeous bit of film of the entire series. AMEN! I NEVER understood why that clip wasn't submitted for Emmy consideration. I think JM should have simply been handed the award without looking at any other performance. It was brilliant.



ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 21:00:40 UTC
My god, when you're right, you're so right Kathleen...He should have gotten an effin' Emmy for that one.


ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 21:05:11 UTC
Damn it...always something with these blasted, uneditable polls :P

I think that Xander's "Potential" speech was probably his best work on the show. I can't think of anything that tops that.

I may be repeating myself, but "Beneath You," when he has that initial breakdown in the alley? I can watch it on mute, and still cry from watching it. Truly remarkable.


pfeifferpack July 15 2009, 20:56:51 UTC
Dawm this was hard! I wanted to choose both the BY and Afterlife speech and finally went with the Afterlife one because it was Spike sans soul with one of the deepest declaration of love possible. Very powerful and how anyone could doubt it as love would be beyond me. 147 days of love with NO hope of any reward....that is not obsession and has nothing to do with a soul. BY is powerful in every way but between the madness and the soul I decided it was barely edged out.

Actually every one of these speeches were powerful and important. Anya talking of her confusion about death is one of the best childlike takes on mortality, very honest and painful. They are all worthy.



ms_scarletibis July 15 2009, 21:08:09 UTC
The "Afterlife" speech was truly beautiful...I didn't even factor in the soul as a distinguishing factor, but that was a quietly beautiful moment. But BY? I really felt that pain. I didn't go by soul status or...BY just made me feel the most, you know? Really, anytime Spike cries, it gets to me. Even that little snippet in "The Gift" :P


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