for rude_not_ginger : Secret Smile

Feb 01, 2010 19:59

For the Drabble Meme

~So save me I'm waiting
I'm needing, hear me pleading
And soothe me, improve me
I'm grieving, I'm barely believing now, now.~

It's 12.39.



Lucy often sat and watched the clock ticking by. Moments she once never really cared about had suddenly become a great deal more important to her, since she had been imprisoned at least. The sound of the ticking haunted her every moment, every day when she wrote in her diary she would hear it, every night when she dreamt she was back on the Valiant, it would invade her dreams. An endless ticking sound. How ironic now, that she was the one being driven mad by a sound that only she could apparently hear.

She thought Harry's death would bring her freedom, but instead it had left her empty and used. A scapegoat. But she had loved him, loved him so deeply and honestly, and that alone had been her down fall. She was guilty of loving and understanding a man who could not be understood or reasoned with, and he in turn; A love which she knew existed, a love she saw every day when he had them both together in the same room. A deeper love than she could ever know, and it pained her, it hurt so much inside that she couldn't be entirely what he wanted.

All she had ever wanted was to see what was out there, to be an adventurer. Harry had promised, the Master had just taken away. Lucy had died a little inside every day, she'd told the Doctor as much when he'd delivered her to UNIT. All she'd wanted was a chance, and he'd looked at her with those sad eyes, and she had instantly realised why Harry had loved him so much.

Yet, she had thought the Doctor would have helped. Above all people. She....Lucy didn't like to think about the Doctor. He stirred up feelings within her which she hated. She lay her head against the wall of her cell, the endless ticking...the ticking.

It had stopped. The clock on the wall was silent. The hands no long moved, Lucy sat forward.

“Wha...I..” Lucy's dry lips parted.  As she looked around her room, her ears pounded with a static noise, a banging, a movement. Lucy covered her ears with her hands, closing her eyes.

The walls felt like they were moving and twisting, the structure of the room changing around her. Lucy screamed a silent scream, her mouth open but no sound escaping. A hand clasped hers and she reared back from the bed hitting her head on the wall, her eyes flickered for a moment, a familiar face danced in front of her, a dream, it must be a dream - or -

“I've come to get you, Lucy.” said the Doctor.

“You're gone...” she replied quietly, squinting at him.

Logic dictated that this was a dream, but his hands grasping her shoulders and pulling her forward said other wise.

An adventurer. That's what she wanted to be, and he had listened after all.
He grinned. Lucy laughed.


“How long has she been out?” asked the young doctor, fiddling with his clip board.

“About 3 months, I don't think she's waking up any time soon, but there's no family to consult, she could be here stuck forever..” replied the nurse, looking down on the blonde woman in the bed.

“They found her at the site of the explosion, the prison, y'know the one...”

The young Doctor nodded, fiddling with his pen again.

“Your ward clock has stopped by the way,” he added, absent mindedly.

The nurse groaned, looking back at him disparagingly, before walking off to find more batteries.

He glanced at the woman lying in the bed, his first coma patient.

“Saxon, Lucy.” he mused, looking over her notes.

“You don't really seem like you need a doctor, love.”

the doctor (10), drabble meme, lucy saxon

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