for rude_not_ginger

Jan 06, 2010 19:35

"It was on it's way to meet you,
Thinking of excuses to postpone.
You never look like yourself from the side,
But your profile did not hide,
The fact you knew I was approaching your throne."

Looking in the mirror was never easy for Lucy. She had always been so judgemental of herself, her body and her looks, not that she'd care to let anyone else know how she thought. She turned slowly looking herself over and narrowing her eyes. Jeans never suited her, she looked un natural in them, too casual. She didn't like it.  She patted her backside wearily sighing. This better be worth it, she thought to herself, pulling at the pink jacket she wore.

This make up too. Urgh god it was awful and heavy. She looked somewhat like a panda.

Lucy looked at the clock, with a slight hesitation in her gaze. Maybe she could call this off, maybe it would be that easy. She didn't know how much he had prepaired. Maybe he wouldn't even come. It had be a lark, a giggle somewhat. Maybe he hadn't taken it as seriously as she had. Just a bit of fun after all.

The clock in the living area chimed merrily. Lucy grimaced.
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