Speculation for the Last Episode

Jun 25, 2007 23:17

I've just had a horrible thought about the Doctor/Jack supposed final revelation...Spoilers Beware!

I've heard the rumors. I've read about the Barrowman/Tennant squee fest in the trailer about the script. Up till "Sound of Drums", I truly thought, that Jack had some Time-Lord connection and that final revelation would come to fruition in the final episode. But now, I'm not so sure. For 2 reasons:

1. There is too much to be resolved in just 45 minutes for any meaningful character development for Jack. We've had our resolution to "Parting of the Ways" in "Utopia". Jack is a fixed point in time/space and is immortal. Done.

2. There was so much slash going on in "Sound of Drums" that it's all canon now. Looking for meaningful character development is lost. That's not to say that exploring the Doctor's sexuality is not character development, but I really wanted more Time Lord back story/motivations/revelations.

So, in conclusion, I believe that Barrowman and Tennant were not squeeing because of a Jack revelation that he maybe a Time Lord, or the Doctor's/Master's brother/son, whatever. Tennant and Barrowman are simply going to kiss with tongues. Jack will release some of his immortality juice into the Doctor and he will be young again. That's it. And all I've been hoping for all season is just not going to happen. It's all a big tongue kiss. Fuck.

If it all happens differently...then watching season 3 would have been worth it. But I'm resolute in thinking that this is RTD and it's not about what I want.

john barrowman, capt jack harkness, david tennant, tenth doctor, doctor who

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