First of all, I would just like to give mucho praise to the wonderfully talented, brilliant beyond all measure,
watcher_junior at
lambietoes for their animated Doctor Who mood themes. I am such crap at the mood pic thing that this post made me squee. Thanks so much for all your hard work!!
Second, does anyone know if Chris Eccleston will be appearing in the final "Heroes" episodes? I so need a Chris fix right now. The episodes have been pretty good but that last one really violated all time travel rules. Can anyone say paradox? Claude...where are you?
Third...Is there anyone out there who is willing to discuss the last two Doctor Who episodes with me?
Is anyone else sick of Daleks? Ten is starting to grow on me but can we move on from the whole Dalek thing? I know they are the Doctor's arch enemy and all but really...I've seen enough. Can half human, half pig men really have a chance with a showgirl? Couldn't the Doctor, in all his brilliance in genetics and medicine give him a little nip/tuck? Or doesn't he do surgery?
Just some thoughts...