Who is Six?

Jan 21, 2007 10:16

Though I am a Doctor Who fan, my obsession lies with Christopher Eccleston or number 9. Previous to that, I was a total Davison fan or number 5. I find it funny that my two favorite shows that I obsess about are about characters that are referenced by numbers.

The six referenced in the title of my journal has nothing to do with the sixth Doctor. Couldn't stand the guy, quite frankly. His coat, among other things, hurt my eyes. The Six refers to number six or The Prisoner, the brainchild of creator, writer, producer and actor, Patrick McGoohan.

The Prisoner was a sci-fi show produced 40 years ago in the UK (ok...I'm obsessed with British TV it seems as well). It was the world's first existential drama. Not your typical sci-fi vehicle, it dealt with some sort of secret agent who resigns from his job, but because he just knew too much, was herded away to live in the Village. There was no escape and to top it all off, the character never really finds out who put him there; his own government or the enemy.

He's never referred to by name...only the number 6. Each week, the powers that be tried to break him; to try to find out why he resigned. Number 6 adamantly refuses to tell them, never knowing in whose capture he really is in. They use psychological torture to get him to reveal this information. What ensues is a drama, not only about spies and such, but the ever burgeoning question of individuality. How free are we? Aren't we all prisoners in some way?

I will not reveal how the 17 episode series ended. Let's just say, it was surreal and left you with more questions than answers.

The series was considered sci-fi introducing us to concepts like wireless phones and the global village. Beautifully shot in Portmeirion,Wales, it was a feast for the eyes as well as the brain. Scripts were well written and the story arc was mind-blowing. The only series to use a pop song in it's final episode from the actual artists...The Beatles...All You Need is Love. And would you believe...the show's enigmatic theme was written by Ron Grainer. A series that was WAY ahead of its time.

There has been talk of a remake for years...a movie even. Actors from the likes of Mel Gibson to Daniel Craig have been considered for the role. But nothing ever came of it until Doctor Who 2005. Here's where my obsessions crossed time lines! After the success of DW series 1, Christopher Eccleston was approached to play number six in another revamped version. I never thought the series should have been remade. The genius of Patrick McGoohan would have been lost, until I heard about Eccleston. He's the only actor with enough depth and genius to pull off the impossible. I was, to say the least, excited. But apparently, the project has been put on hiatus and Eccleston never agreed to the role.

Anyway...if you get the chance, rent The Prisoner. 17 episodes of pure entertainment and mind boggling discussion. It's a think piece. Don't expect happy endings! Check out some of my links to the series' devoted fan websites that continue to engage fans 40 years later. Until then.....Be Seeing You....

christopher eccleston, ninth doctor, patrick mcgoohan

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