I used Colourb4 colour stripper to strip some of the black dye out of my hair as I wanted to dye it dark purple. I wasn't expecting a vibrant result as I didn't want to bleach my hair and my hair is naturally very dark brown. Rather stupidly I didn't read the instructions properly and put the dark purple dye on straight after the colour stripper. My hair is now a dark reddish brown at the roots and black at the ends. Apparently it isn't noticeable but it still isn't what I wanted. I am thinking of putting on one of these two purples in the hope that at least my roots will be a dark purple, I don't mind having dark ends. I just don't want to bleach my hair as I've only just finished growing out bleach damage and the colour stripper is over ten pounds so I'd prefer not to use it again.
LIVE Luminance is easy to get hold of as they sell it in Bodycare and a few other places but some people said it didn't work on their hair
L'oreal Pure Purple power is hard to get hold of and quite expensive online. I used it when I was younger and had good results but that was years ago. Has anyone else used it recently?
Has anyone else used any good permanent purple dyes?