so my internet was a bitch this past week grr. But! all is good, becasue I have 4 free days yay!
You know I am such a fail, today I was late to class becasue I thought I had them at 13 PM not 12 PM. I swear, sometimes my brain just goes on vacation or something.
I just managed to see the NEWS new PV for Fighting Man.
It is amazing. AMAZING. It had this...kpop feel to it? idk something like that. I'm not an expert. XD The song grew on me so much that I had to listen to it a few times a day for the past 2 weeks. and I simply lovelovelove it ♥
I heard some opinions that the pv is too gloomy for this song, or that the choreography is too childlish yadda yadda yadda...
BULLSHIT. IT'S GREAT. The choreagrphy is adorable and happy and I kinda sorta want to lear it... also Koyama and Shige dancing in FIRST ROW OMG. The boys look great ♥ Shige has such an adorable hair style ♥ Ryo ♥ Massu ♥ Yamapi was so hyper XD I even liked how Tego looked XD
gifs not mine sandly D:
I love my boyband ♥ also I just listened to Winter Moon and it's pretty ♥
and I've got a Facebook if anyone wanted to add me?