yesterday I got my first pay! *partay*
we have a new collegue at work since today. He's 20, a student, kinda cute and he's a tottal dick :| and my father wonders why I don't have many male friends.
So, I think I'm in love with Adam Lambert ksadjhkasj He can sing, he's kinda cute, he's actually pretty I wanna make icons with him :| and he's gay. That's like...perfect or something. And he's a glitter fairy :|
I love 21 Guns by Green Day, but
this version is so fucking awesome omg *__*
and a meme~~
01. Name a fandom, and I will explain how I got into that fandom.
02. Name a character or a 'ship from any fandom (that's not necessarily no. 1) and I will say what I think about that character/'ship.
03. Ask me any fandom related question.
04. All fandoms should, of course, be fandoms I'm familiar with. All queries will be answered in 100-150 words each, no more no less. ( pff what a silly rule. ignore it)
05. Do this yourself and pass it around if you care.
next week ecchicon!
EDIT: god, this entry is so pointless and random XD