vs. village

Jan 16, 2009 11:21

This is Just some small comparison I had in my mind after 13 January 2009...

Comparison of city people and village people (which I usually found in school's text book)

In that fateful day, I went to Yogyakarta with my mother since her friend's mother had passed.
Turns out, we should go to a village (Kedaung village) in Muntilan, Central Java by a rent-car.

After looking for the address and afraid of getting lost, we decided to ask a passerby about the location...

So, the driver asked in Javanese (and I don't understand that language at all... T-T).

After that, I asked the driver what he had asked (he laughed at me because I don't understand their conversation), and he said:

"Just mention about "the person who had passed" and he give direction in an instant. Because here, people knows each other even though their house is seperated soo far..."

While he continue driving (which turns out, quite far from the spot we asked), we once again decided to asked an old man about the exact location. And that old man happily answered in Javanese too and points the exact house...


Instantly I compared this experience with my (previous) one in Jakarta..
Many people said that Jakarta is a big city so that people are not as closed as people in village, which I found quite true...

One day in one of my choir practice an ahjumma aunty asked me "Is it true that your neighbour had passed?"

And my smart answer is... "huh? Which neighbour aunty?" since my mind is blank and I TRULY don't know there's someone passed in my neigbourhood. T____________T

Well, turns out the person (who died) is a women lived right behind my house!! OMG, I don't realize it....

Because of my trip, I realized how different people lived in big city and people lived in village... Huhu (i'm an ignorant and individualis person = typical big city person)
How about the character of people in your neigbourhood? Observe it and compare it, It's quite interesting... XD

ramblings, city people, character

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