failed up the ass

Jun 14, 2004 16:36

so everyone whats new...i had 3 finals today it kinda sucked considering how yesterday i had to work on my paper  which took like 8 hours to do...anywhooo i failed the spanish one...unless she curves it  but even thenitll suck cause i got pleet in my class lol oh well its not my fualt they dont give us enough time to finish... I got like a 90 on the history one i bet it was really easy...and i actually finished LoL same with french only i prolly got like a 99 on that cuas eit was the easiest shit ever!!!  Im gonna start studying for the biology one later cause i need to get an A on it inorder to get an A for the year... and i need to get a good grae in the geomtry one too just so my average can stay strong... Me and rachael had mcdonalds it was yummy... ermm besides that nothing really happened  just studying and planning for tomarrows perhaps? lol we'll see cause my mom said if we babysit wenesday shed take us to see harry fun stuff...christines still pissed i guess, franquly i dont really give a shit no offense but alot of things get her upset so i m not gonna go al out just on this one I still have cake frosting stuck to the side of my stomach<~~~ usless information... well ttyl...much!

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