Apr 23, 2004 00:09
so heres the dilio everyone! first holler for a doller...or euro rather to all my buds back at home...i hope you are all having a kick ass vacation!!
mine started on the german airlines which totally suck! i accidently ate raw fish eww...i mistaked it for bacon lmao!!! i got sick from the flight too and the stupid lady behind me wouldnt let me put my seat down to sleep lmao so ya that flight lasted a while... then we got to germany which was where our lay over was... fun stufff... we ate a t weener cafe lmao!! and then i bought kinder eggs and we met up with these kids from redding and oxbridge mass...come to find out we were grouping with them the whole tour...they are losers and they make fun of me for witch walking in the street lmao!
we get to spain in this beautiful city called malaga its like miami and i got a balcony looking over the beach in my room but then i plugged in the hair dryer and blew a fuse so we had to move to a new room fun stuff... so we took the bus to this little town and took pictures of the monestary..there were loads of teens smoking joints there...ya at a monestary...?
the next day we headed towRDS GRENADA..ITS SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL...MY FAV SO FAR the food was good and and ya it was an all around good time! we went to the alhambra and it was the most amazing place!!! i wasted like 7 roles a film and i almost got kidnapped by a gypsy... fun stuff...
then we went to another place i cant remember it was a huge cathedral and it was fun too.
today we went to cardoba it was fun me and pam got lost everywhere and i bought cody his nice awesome present...fun stuff! oh and i fell out of the bed and made a rap and i also ran into the wall...not high...welll atleast not on drugs lmao!!
we are in madrid now...i like this hotel three euros for a half hour of comp time...beats the 3 euros for 5 minutes i was paying at the last place... its nice here we get to explore tomarrow...
so thats the vaca so far theres more details but i want something to tsalk about when i get back well bee here for the next three days so come online at like 730 your time and ill talk if i can get on!
i miss you all sooooooo (zero times infinity) much! especially you cody much love!!