(no subject)

Jan 18, 2009 03:12

It's about time for me to post some icons!!
Some are new, some are old.
Hope y'all like them.

*GOD, I'm melting!!!!
It's official: I live in hell.*

I found a new passion in photography.
I think I'll start a course and save some money to buy a kick ass camera :D

[ 001 - 010 ] Bones
[ 011 - 018 ] Chuck
[ 019 - 024 ] Pushing Daisies
[ 025 - 038 ] Lost cast
[ 039 - 042 ] Misc.
[ 043 - 065 ] Lost


001 - 004


005 - 008


009 - 010


011 - 014


015 - 018


Pushing Daisies
019 - 022


023 - 024


Lost cast
025 - 028


029 - 032


033 - 036


037 - 038


039 - 042


043 - 046


047 - 050


051 - 054


055 - 058


059 - 062


063 - 065


. Credit, please!!
. Comments make me happy.
. Join onlydreamers 
. NO hotlink!

!chuck, !bones, !lost, !pushingdaisies

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