(no subject)

Jun 05, 2008 11:45


So sorry if I'm such a bad LJer lately.
My life is a bit messy these days and I couldn't be around much.

So, small batch 'cause I didnt have much inspiration.
Hope you like it tho.

[ 001 - 040 ] Lost finale
[ 041 - 056 ] Gilmore Girls


Lost (season 4 finale)
001 - 004


005 - 008


009 - 012


013 - 016


017 - 020


021 - 024


025 - 028


029 - 032


033 - 036


037 - 040


Gilmore Girls
041 - 044


045 - 048


049 - 052


053 - 056


.comment is ♥
.no hotlink!
.credit ;)

!icons, !gilmoregirls, !lost

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