nothing too eventful of which to speak, today. I’ve made a resolution, however; I am herby going to intensely monitor my use of prepositions in the endings of sentences, in hopes of writing said sentences to eliminate the frequent incorrect preposition use. we’ll see how that goes. there’s nothing too important going on around here, these days. I’m making some new friends, which is *good.* here’s a short list of three things I developed an acute obsession for in the last 48 hours:
1) soy products (specifically soy milk and soy sauce)
2) internet writing prompts
3) Led Zeppelin, the Doors, and “the pumpkin bread mix”
okay, so allow me to elaborate:
1) for those of you that I haven’t spoken with in the last two days, I’ve been somewhat creeped out by the whole idea of consuming the milk of another animal. so… even though I’m still a tremendous fan of Klein’s ice cream and sharp cheddar cheese, I’m testing out this whole idea of drinking soy milk instead of cow’s milk. and I must admit that I find it udderly amazing. (tee hee) the bowl of cereal I ate this morning was almost good enough to make me want to go vegan. Almost. (let’s face it: I’ll never give up my Ben & Jerry’s, my Kleins, and my Campell’s chicken noodle soup. sorry non-free range chickens.)
2) so I’ve decided that I want to write more, for real, and not just these endless journal entries/even lengthier entries in my own personal journal. therefore, I’ve been exploring the world of internet help, particularly finding writing prompts online. even though I don’t seem to find much time to work of said writings, it’s exciting to discover all of these prompts that are available for my use. yey for writing! click
here to discover the joys of
www.creative writing, and be as cool as me. :O)
3) yea, so these bands/this mix are really more of a “last week” kind of obsession. and obsession as in, I listened to Led Zeppelin and the Doors, with a few other classic rock-ish bands tossed in, for a day or two, without interrupting them with Bela Fleck, “Mikey’s bluegrass mix,” or “Songs of the Suite” (2003-4). also, I listened to “the pumpkin bread mix” from Christmas break several times through. it’s not that I’m actually obsessed with these bands. but one has to acknowledge their superior songwriting and musical skills. I should really throw in Bob Dylan’s name, too, but moreso as obsession from every single day off from B2 session on. Highway 61 Revisited, for the record, is amazing.
I don’t know why I justified rambling about these things. and I really don’t know why I’m still typing away, instead of retreating to the comfort of my x-long twin sized bed. I think I’m headed there, now. goodnight, all. more to come in later days, I am certain. (new layout… one day?? I hope.)
love, me :O)
Today’s fortune: “If at first you don’t succeed, try it with soy.”