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Aug 19, 2007 13:58

What Should I Do with My Life?

Inspired by The Power of Intention, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (Hay House, 2004).
How many times have you heard this one, or even asked it yourself? After all, it is a commonly-asked question. Most of us are haunted by all our options, perennially wondering if we’re “doing the right thing.”
SIMPLE SOLUTION: Dr. Dyer has a whole new approach to this dilemma. He suggests that we stop asking that question and move instead into a place of faith and trust in the universal mind of intention, “remembering that you emanated from this mind and that you’re a piece of it at all times.”

Here are a few of Dr. Dyer’s thought-provoking ideas that can help you to answer the question, “What should I do with my life?”

Dr. Dyer suggests that there is only one thing you can do with your life, “since you came into this life with nothing and you’ll leave with nothing.: You can give it away.” When we serve--when we give away to others, to the planet, and to Source--in a way that is authentically detached from outcomes, we feel “on purpose.”

As Dr. Dyer says, “Your purpose is not as much about what you do as it is about how you feel.” Extending kindness beyond our own boundaries connects us to our Source. When we do this, it makes us feel happy and content, a signal to us that we are doing the right thing.

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