I have an ipod grande- it holds up to eighteen songs

Feb 10, 2007 20:58

I'm doing homework on a Saturday night. Me from two years ago would be very disappointed (I was quite the wild child in my day, I'll have you know).

The roomie, the roomie's boyfriend, and I are trying to find something on TV to watch. Lifetime was an option, or as it's called here "The rape and abuse channel," but it was just too cheesy for words. "Bringing Down the House" was another option but the dialogue is painful- and racist- "Is everything alright? I thought I heard nergo!" Racism and stereotypes are funny, y'all ;)

So now we've settled for Law and Order-SVU. Aww, the cute psychoanalyst/therapist/token Asian guy is on. I heart him.

Aww, they're fighting about SVU-

"Every episode is the same"
"No, that's not true!"
"There's always a girl, a crime, and a twist."

Maybe SVU is kind of a girl thing. You can safely experience every woman's worst nightmare in the comfort of your own home. Cause Lord knows, I'd rather watch it on tv than actually experience it.

Ugh, I should get back to work. Who knew reading about TV would be so boring?

roomie, homework, tv talk

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