Mar 19, 2008 13:42
woops. close call.
yesterday was such a long day.
terribly busy at work and then went straight to town
for a jrs meeting. (which was good btw YAY ^^)
everybody was so hungry afterwards so we decided to get
some food. since the food poisoning i had a couple of weeks ago
i haven’t been so keen on eating much of anything but we chose italian
so i thought it would be safe enough.
yep. was wrong. as soon as i had finished the meal (which was good)
i started to feel sick and feverish.
could only think *oh no not again!*. luckily it seemed to pass fairly quickly
and wasn’t as strong as last time. i guess i just still can’t eat too much
without getting sick. dunno. anyhoops, couldn’t sleep last nite coz tummy
was really upset. so i thought i’d stay at home today after work.
cancelled all my appointments and meetings and whatever. am exhausted.
otherwise am just fine. ^^ i’m still very happy about my new job coz it means
i can actually plan my life ahead coz i know what i’ll be doing in a week or two or even a month. woot!’s what i’ve been looking for. and i know my
sometimes poor health will be happy to hear it too. xD
yes, life smiles. i won’t let anything ruin it. except one thing comes close--- :
MUCC gigs in may are sold out in may so mamma cries..a lot. ,_,
sigh.. i wanted to see them so much coz MUCC rules live. <3
and i’m going all the way to japan to see them so...mouuu mamma must see MUCC! *kicks and screams and cries and...schniff*
ah well.. i’ll think of something ^^<3
edit//: miuuu problems solved ^_~
mamma goes nuts,
rabu rabu,
mucc is love,
yukke's pants