Classical Literature

Nov 30, 2011 21:11

I was an English major before I went to Library school. I had to read alot as part of this, I fell in love with Jane Austen because of this and I also learned alot about Greek Mythology because of this. Today a parent came in looking for information about Perseus as a tragic hero. I carefully explained that Perseus of all Zeus' children was the least tragic of the demigod lot. Hercules for all his fame did not live a charmed existence whilst on earth. Perseus managed to escape the wrath of Hera and become a hero. I suggested her son use Jason instead, I love that story, it's all about vengence, vengence, vengence and it is fun. I like that he dies under the bow of the rotting Argo after Medea leaves him, it is the best justice, one should never cross a witch.
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