Work Related Woes

May 22, 2006 01:07

I like my job, sure the pay is shit but I have great friends I like talking to people I have good perks, but I have this boss, he doesn't like me, I don't like him it's a mutual non liking thing going on fine.  He doesn't like me because apart from the fact that I'm nicer than him I'm also probably 10,000 times better at his job than he'd ever be and he knows this, however I don't want his job it's not in my career path and honestly I can care less since a great deal of time he spends placating people that I think would be better served with a swift shove out the door.  He knows I've never had a problem with my other two managers he's the one with the problem he needs a reality check plus I'm not really rude to him but I just never have the time for him I usually interact much more easily with my other managers and I usually speak to everyone else but him and when I do it's swift, short and brutal.  He hates that he put in my last review that "I lack professional attitude," I just got employee of the month and I've been sticking it to him but good.  Honestly I don't care because I'm really looking to actually leave this job so no matter what he says in my mind I'm packed and just waiting for another door to open.  
Speaking of which I have to decide what to do.  I have a job interview lined up but I don't think I should wear the suit I wore to the job fair since I don't want to look like I'm begging for a job with one good suit.  I don't want to buy a suit because I think it will be a waste of money, I have a good gray jacket but nothing to wear it with.  I have to go to Macys in the city to exchange stuff for my aunt I could look for pants or something to wear with it because right now I'm not really in the mood to spend much but this job might mean good things for me since it is really close to the kind of work I did as an undergrad and it's really close to my house like ten minutes close and I really want it.  So I think I will take my two good jackets with me make time for a day in the city and look for stuff to match since I want to make a killer interview and hopefully brand new job. 
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