May 22, 2012 01:11
So we went to a party in Brooklyn on Sunday. I wore cute shoes and danced alot we had a good time so of course I felt like shit this morning and could not get up to go to work. I eventually got up and out and off to work but it was alot of work. My grandmother went with us as soon as we got there she had a drink in her hand and she was not without a drink all night. We left early 11:30 she left whatever time she left and I got to bed by 1:00 am. My grandmother got up at 7:30 am Monday morning not hung over at all after being drunk the night before my grandma is nearly 70 years old. I drank one shandy and no hard liquor since I did have to wake up to go to work and I still could not get up. I want to grow up to be like grandma.