Sep 11, 2006 09:38
-went to Chuck-e-Cheese where Jfrog works and bummed pizza and prizes. It was fun and a hoot to see him on a fairly busy Friday night. Picked up passes that his store is donating to the SYGW auction (coming up Sept. 30th!!! -- tickets on sale via the website
- went to a kung fu movie (Protector). I'm giving away nothing by saying that there were some amazingly long fight scenes done in single takes! It was a fun movie. We probably won't own it on DVD, but we may view it again with friends who do!
- cleaned the house, ate dandilion salad (way yummier than I hoped) and organic sweet corn (not as yummy as I had hoped). We also made popcorn balls (meh, between the stale marshmellos and the vegan margerine..they just didn't taste like they should have). We were visited by friends who are moving apartments soon. Their landlord was showing their unit on Sunday and basically told them to 'get out'. So they came to see us, we went to the mall...and then their window of estrangement was up, and they went home...mostly because one of them wanted very much to shower, chill and relax.
So it was a good weekend. Now I'm back and work!